Major Requirements
Computer Science Requirements
One (1) course from the following
CSC 347 Concepts of Programming Languages
CSC 376 Distributed Systems
SE 350 Object-Oriented Software Development
- Eight (8) credit hours from any 300-level courses labelled CSC, CSEC, DSC or SE
1 Students with one (1) semester of programming experience may take CSC 243 and one (1) Major Elective in lieu of CSC 241 and CSC 242.
Geography Requirements
GEO 101 Environmental Geography
GEO 103 Urbanization
GEO 241 Geographic Information Systems I: Digital Mapping
GEO 299 Knowledge, Place and Power
GEO 391 Statistical Data Analysis for Gis
- Twenty-four (24) credit hours, at least four (4) of which must be 300-level from GEO Major Electives.
Liberal Studies Requirements
LSP 110 Discover Chicago
OR LSP 111 Explore Chicago -
LSP 112 Focal Point Seminar
WRD 103 Composition and Rhetoric I
WRD 104 Composition and Rhetoric II
LSP 200 Seminar on Race, Power, and Resistance
1 Experiential Learning
3 Arts & Literature
2 Historical Inquiry
2 Philosophical Inquiry
2 Religious Dimensions
1 Scientific Inquiry - lab
1 Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Inquiry
GEO Major Electives
GEO 133 Urban Geography - Experiential Learning
GEO 172 Cultural Geography: The Nature-Culture Interface
GEO 200 Sustainable Urban Development
GEO 201 Geopolitics
GEO 204 Religious Geography
GEO 205 Race, Justice, and the Urban Environment
GEO 210 International Environmental Conservation
GEO 211 Biogeography
GEO 215 International Development and Regional Inequality
GEO 219 Women and Science
GEO 220 Oceanography
GEO 225 Earth's Changing Climate
GEO 231 Historical Geography of Chicago
GEO 233 Comparative Urbanism
GEO 242 Geographic Information Systems II: Community Gis
GEO 243 Earth Observation
GEO 260 Globalization and Resources
GEO 266 World Economy: States, Markets and Labor
GEO 269 Cultural and Political Ecology
GEO 299 Knowledge, Place and Power
GEO 310 Green Infrastructure
GEO 316 The European Union
GEO 330 Sustainable Urban Transportation
GEO 333 Urban Planning
GEO 334 Urban/City Design
GEO 339 Topics in Architecture and Urbanism
GEO 340 Places, Humanities and Geographic Information Systems
GEO 343 Earth Observation II
GEO 344 Spatial Analysis for Sustainability
GEO 346 Gis Analysis of Environmental and Public Health
GEO 347 Web Gis and Spatial Data Visualization on the Web
GEO 348 Spatial Data Science
GEO 350 World of Wine
GEO 351 Geography, Food and Justice
GEO 395 Seminar in SElected Topics
Open Electives
Open Elective Credit Hours are required to meet the minimum graduation requirements of 192 hours. Open electives may be taken from any unit at DePaul.
Modern Language Requirement (MLR)
All students will be required to demonstrate competence in a modern language (i.e., a language other than English) equivalent to the proficiency attained from one year of college-level language study.
This Modern Language Requirement (MLR) may be demonstrated by:
- placing into 104 or above on the DePaul language placement exam
- completing the last course or earning AP or BI credit for the last course in the first-year collegel sequence of any language (e.g., 103 for DePaul language classes)
- completing a college course or earning AP or IB credit for a college course beyond the first-year level in any language (e.g., 104 or above for DePaul language classes)
- completing the final course of a four-year sequence of the same modern language in high school *
- completing a proctored exam by BYU and passing the exam (see the Department of Modern Languages website for registeration details)
- completing a proctored Written Proficiency Test (WPT) by Language Testing International (LTI) and achieving a score of Beginner High or above (see the Department of Modern Languages website for registration details)
*Students are strongly encouraged to take the DePaul language placement exam even if they have met the MLR via study of a language in high school. This will ensure continuation of language at the proper level.
Please note: Modern Languages courses with an E-designation are taught in English and may not be applied to the Modern Langague Requirement.
Students who complete an Inter-College Transfer (ICT) to the College will abide by the MLR in place on the effective date of the ICT, regarless of when they first matriculated at DePaul.