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The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science + Geography (CS+GEO) brings together two distinct fields in a multi-disciplinary degree program that reflects the wide use of Geographic Information Systems (GIS) technologies and the application of computational methods in geography and other social sciences.
The CS part of the CS+GEO curriculum provides students training in fundamental computational problem-solving skills including thinking abstractly, applying formal logic and mathematics, developing algorithms and data structures, and reasoning about and developing software systems at different levels of abstraction. The GEO portion provides students training in Geographic Information Systems and digital mapping, spatial analytics, and spatial reasoning to explore phenomena, relationships, and processes that have spatial patterns and distributions.
Students in the CS+GEO BS will have a unique multidisciplinary combination of critical intellectual, technical, and creative skills that will set them apart.
For international students: this is a STEM-designated program, which can qualify you to extend your post-graduation stay in the United States.
Companies hiring our students with backgrounds in Computer Science and Geography include Google, Garmin, ESRI, and various federal government agencies.
Professor and Director of the School of Computing
Professor in the School of Computing
Associate Professor and Chair of the Department of Geography and GIS
Professor in the Department of Geography and GIS
DePaul is home to hundreds of student organizations to fit your interests and career goals, including the Computer Science Society, Geography Student Association, Data Science Group, Organization for Inclusion in Tech, and many more. These groups allow students to meet people, network, and discuss trends in their fields of interest.
Learn more about the innovative research our faculty are doing, or get hands-on experience and the opportunity to collaborate with them on projects. Right now, School of Computing and Geography faculty are working together combining robotics, geography, and machine learning as part of a grant-funded project with Rosalind Franklin.
The CDM Scholarship Program provides funding to continuing students in the Jarvis College of Computing and Digital Media, and accepts applications annually.
DePaul’s nationally recognized Department of Geography and GIS is Chicago’s premiere program in geography and geotechnology.
The Map of the Month project, which first began in 2013, highlights a map created by a student in a Geographic Information Systems class each month.
Read the Department of Geography's quarterly newsletter