
CDM Academic Success Center

DePaul Center
1 E. Jackson Blvd.
Suite 8500
Chicago, IL 60604

(312) 362-8633

Monday through Thursday, 9am to 5pm (virtual and in‐person)
Friday, 9am to 5pm (virtual only)

Scheduled appointments are strongly encouraged and may be set in OneDePaul. Although we will offer in-person appointments, we also encourage students to select an online meeting. We are unable to offer walk-in appointments.

CDM Advising

Advising in the Jarvis College of Computing and Digital Media

Advising Resource Center

Academic advisors can assist you with progression toward degree completion, navigating university technology and resources, course selection and registration issues, and many other things. We encourage students to meet with their academic advisors regularly as they move through their program.

The Jarvis College of Computing and Digital Media provides both academic and faculty advisors to help students successfully complete their degree requirements and prepare for their careers and graduate study. 

Both types of advisors can address questions about major/minor and graduation requirements. However, you can think of the difference between these advisors as a difference in perspective and scope.

  • Academic Advisors
    • Offer a broader perspective.
    • Have expertise in how to successfully fulfill major/minor and graduation requirements and navigate the degree process; can help build an optimized schedule each term.
    • Possess in-depth knowledge about college and university policies and procedures, your degree progress report (DPR) and transcripts, and the wide range of resources and extra- and co-curricular experiences available to students.
    • Make changes to your record that are approved by deans and faculty advisors.
    • Sign forms for financial aid, international students and transfer students.
  • Faculty Advisors
    • Are experts in your major field.
    • Assist with long-term planning of your academic program. They know the wide variety of careers available to majors, which particular courses will be best for you, and how to most effectively choose and prepare for specific graduate programs and careers.
    • Can help you evaluate how well your skills and abilities fit with the field and your goals. In addition, they have extensive contacts in the field and can foster your professional development in your academic area of interests.
    • Approve necessary overrides and changes that occur within your chosen major.

Scheduled appointments are strongly encouraged and may be set in OneDePaul. Although we will offer in-person appointments, we also encourage students to select an online meeting. We are unable to offer walk-in appointments. If you are having trouble scheduling an appointment, please watch this helpful tutorial.



Appointment Scheduling

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