Requirements BS Intelligent Systems Engineering

Curriculum Requirements

First Year

  • CSC 243
    • OR CSC 241
      &  CSC 242
  • CSE 299
  • MAT 140
  • MAT 141
  • MAT 150
  • MAT 151
  • MAT 152
Liberal Studies Requirements
  • LSP 110
    OR LSP 111
  • WRD 103
  • WRD 104
  • 1 Arts & Literature

Second Year

  • CSC 300
  • CSC 301
  • CSC 373
  • CSC 380
  • CSE 332
  • CSE 333
  • PHY 170
  • PHY 171
  • PHY 172
Liberal Studies Requirements
  • LSP 200
  • 1 Historical Inquiry
  • 1 Philosophical Inquiry

Third Year

  • CSC 374
  • CSE 314
  • CSE 316
  • CSE 351
  • CSE 352
  • MAT 260
  • MAT 262
  • MAT 304
  • WRD 204
Liberal Studies Requirements
  • 1 Historical Inquiry
  • 1 Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Inquiry

Fourth Year

  • MAT 351
  • CSC 321
  • CSE 361
  • CSE 362
  • CSE 393 (Experiential Learning)
  • CSE 394 (Capstone)
  • 12 credit hours of Major Electives
Liberal Studies Requirements
  • 1 Arts & Literature
  • 1 Religious Dimensions
  • 1 Social, Cultural, and Behavioral Inquiry

Major Electives

Major electives may be selected from the following list of courses:

  • BIO 191
  • BIO 192
  • BIO 193
  • CHE 140
  • CHE 142
  • CHE 144
  • CSC 299
  • CSE 304
  • CSE 341
  • CSE 342
  • CSE 375
  • CSE 377
  • CSEC 378
  • IT 300
  • MAT 352
  • MAT 353
  • MAT 370
  • MAT 381
  • MAT 384
  • MAT 385
  • MAT 386
  • PHY 110
  • PHY 231
  • PHY 270
  • PHY 300
  • PHY 301
  • PHY 320
  • PHY 321
  • PHY 370
  • Any 300-level CSC course
  • Any 300-level SE course

Open Electives

Open Elective Credit Hours are required to meet the minimum graduation requirements of 192 hours. Open electives may be taken from any unit at DePaul.

Liberal Studies

Specified required courses within Liberal Studies may have grade minimums (e.g. C- or better). Please consult your advisor or your college and major requirements.

Courses offered in the student's primary major cannot be taken to fulfill LSP Domain requirements. If students double major, LSP Domain courses may double count for both LSP credit and the second major. Students who choose to take an experiential learning course offered by the major may count it either as a general elective or the Experiential Learning requirement.

In meeting learning domain requirements, no more than one course that is outside the student’s major and is cross-listed with a course within the student’s major, can be applied to count for LSP domain credit. This policy does not apply to those who are pursuing a double major or earning BFA or BM degrees.

Courses offered in the student's primary major cannot be taken to fulfill LSP Domain requirements.

Degree Requirements

Students in this degree must meet the following requirements

  • Complete a minimum of 192 credit hours (generally 48 courses)
  • Earn a grade of C- or higher in WRD 103, WRD 104, and all Major and Minor courses
  • Earn a grade of D or higher in all other Liberal Studies and Open Elective courses
  • Maintain a cumulative GPA of 2.0 or higher

Students who earn a cumulative DePaul University GPA

  • Between 3.500 and 3.699 will graduate cum laude
  • Between 3.700 and 3.849 will graduate magna cum laude
  • Of at least 3.850 will graduate summa cum laude

For DePaul's policy on repeat courses and a complete list of academic policies see the DePaul Undergraduate Handbook in the Course Catalog.