Bachelor of Science Computer Science + History

The Bachelor of Science in Computer Science + History (CS+HST) combines two distinct fields into one single program. Students in the program will be trained, in parallel, in history and historical methods and in computer science and software development. That means that they will graduate with the hard technical skills of a computer scientist and the writing, research, and presentation skills of a historian, making CS+HST graduates highly valuable in any context. Students can use these skills to be better, more socially-aware programmers and better, more technologically-aware historians. They can follow the traditional path of history majors (lawyer, teacher, historian, archivist, librarian, writer, politician, rock star), go into software engineering, or combine the two through software development, digitization, digital archives, and historic preservation.

Degree Requirements

The program prepares students to become:

  • Software developers with knowledge of both the past and social science research methods.
  • Graduates with expertise in historical methods who can leverage and develop technology-based solutions to social science questions.

two female students  

Student Organizations

DePaul is home to hundreds of student organizations to fit your interests and career goals, including the Computer Science Society, Student History Society, Data Science Group, Organization for Inclusion in Tech, and many more. These groups allow students to meet people, network, and discuss trends in their fields of interest.

3 computing faculty  


Learn more about the innovative research our faculty are doing, or get hands-on experience and the opportunity to collaborate with them on projects.

students smiling 

CDM Scholarships

The CDM Scholarship Program provides funding to continuing students in the Jarvis College of Computing and Digital Media, and accepts applications annually.

students in a library  

Department of History

The Department of History houses more than 30 teacher/scholars whose specialities range from Africa to South America and from military history to the history of human rights. Learn, apprenticeship style, with leaders in the field.

students talking at a table  

Student Resources

A wide-ranging set of resources that will teach you how to be a great history major.

3 people looking over paperwork  

History Financial Aid

Scholarships just for historians? We are growing our resources and you can benefit.

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