Course Info

GAM 383: Game Studio Development

This course focuses on the development cycle in a large game studio with a focus on pushing out a game targeted towards a commercial platform. The game in question is an ongoing development taking place over a number of years, Students participate quarterly and a public build will be made available at the end of the school year. This class can be taken multiple times but requires permission from the instructor each time. Each student will have a particular role in the studio where they will focus on developing mastery to help build the game over the course of the quarter. Available design roles include: Level Design, Gameplay design, UI Design, Graphic Design, Character Animation, Blueprint Specialist, Balancing, Narrative and Dialog, Writing, Cinemas and cutscenes, Production. Getting into the class requires the student to show a portfolio or display some level of mastery in one of the available areas to participate.

Spring 2023-2024

Section: 601
Class number: 35273
Meeting time: MW 10:10AM - 11:40AM
Location: DPAUL C112Q at Loop Campus