Course Info

SE 457: Service-Oriented Architecture

An in-depth study of service oriented architecture (SOA) from the business, architectural, and technology perspectives. The business perspective will explain the imperatives behind SOA and discuss the significance of SOA in industry. The architectural perspective will discuss the different architectural models of software development and contrast these with SOA. The technology perspective will provide students with the opportunity to gain the required hands-on experience to analyze, design, implement and deploy SOA solutions that will meet both functional and non-functional requirements. Major topics include software architectures in practice, SOA development lifecycle, Enterprise Service Bus, SOA analysis and design methods, Web Services, and governance.

(SE450 or SE456) or CSC 435 are prerequisites for this class.

Spring 2021-2022

Section: 901
Class number: 37441
Meeting time: Tu 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: LEWIS 01517 at Loop Campus
Section: 910
Class number: 37269
Meeting time: -
Location: Online: Async

Spring 2020-2021

Section: 901
Class number: 30625
Meeting time: Tu 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: Online: Sync
Section: 910
Class number: 30413
Meeting time: -
Location: Online: Async (Sync-Option)