Course Info

SE 477: Software and Systems Project Management

Project Management is presented from a practitioner's view. The four basic building blocks of software project management: people, process, tools, and measurements are covered. Special emphasis is placed on professional standards such as the Project Management Book of Knowledge and IEEE Software Engineering Standards. Specific topics include Managing People, Selecting Project Tools, Leadership & Motivation, Software Development Processes, Estimation, Risk Analysis, Scheduling and Tracking, Leveraging Measurements, and Project Completion. Consideration is given to rapid development and project cultural issues. PREREQUISITE(S): Knowledge of the Software development life cycle model, for example through courses such as SE430, ECT455, IS425, MIS555 or through appropriate work experience.

Spring 2020-2021

Section: 920
Class number: 30759
Meeting time: -
Location: Online: Async
Instructor: Luai Mahmud