Course Info

CSEC 489: Advanced Cyber Attack Responses and Defenses (Formerly CNS 489)

This lab-based applied security course introduces students to advanced cyber defense and cyber-attack response. Students manage an organize teams to defend against cyber-attacks and implement services in a hostile cyber environment. Most activities will be derived from Cyber Defense and Cyber League competitions and will prepare students to participate and excel in these competitions. This course is open to all students, including students inexperienced in Cyber Defense competitions. Repeat enrollment is encouraged.

CSEC 440 and CSEC 418 are prerequisites for this class.

This course is repeatable.

Fall 2024-2025

Section: 701
Class number: 14979
Meeting time: W 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00658 at Loop Campus
Instructor: Ryan Haley | View syllabus

Fall 2023-2024

Section: 701
Class number: 13469
Meeting time: W 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00658 at Loop Campus
Instructor: Ryan Haley | View syllabus

Fall 2022-2023

Section: 701
Class number: 23854
Meeting time: W 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00658 at Loop Campus
Instructor: Ryan Haley | View syllabus

Fall 2020-2021

Section: 701
Class number: 10035
Meeting time: M 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: Online: Sync
Instructor: Ryan Haley | View syllabus
Section: 710
Class number: 17533
Meeting time: -
Location: Online: Async (Sync-Option)
Instructor: Ryan Haley | View syllabus