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The Master of Science in business information technology prepares students to meet today’s need for individuals who understand the core principles of both business and technology in corporations, health care institutions, and government agencies. Many of these people work as liaisons between the information technology (IT) department and a functional business unit. Others work within departments that are information dependent and rely heavily on information technology. The program provides a solid base for those interested in moving their career forward through project management or IT management positions.
This program—with courses in both the Jarvis College of Computing and Digital Media (CDM) and the Kellstadt Graduate School of Business (KGSB)—is a unique educational experience. It is different from an MBA because it includes a technical foundation; yet it is different from an MS in information technology because it includes a business perspective. By combining the best of both worlds, this program addresses today’s need for professionals who understand the core principles of management and IT in industry.
For international students: this is a STEM-designated program, which can qualify you to extend your post-graduation stay in the United States.
Students will be able to:
92% of reporting CDM master’s graduates were employed, continuing education, or not seeking employment within six months of graduation
$75,000 median salary reported by School of Computing master’s graduates six months after degree completion
Common positions for BIT graduates include:
Dr. Nakayama is a professor in the School of Computing whose research areas include online consumer behavior, cross-cultural analysis, and enterprise system implementation projects. His areas of teaching are business intelligence systems, business process design, digital transformation, and systems analysis and design.
Dr. Steinbach is an associate professor in the School of Computing. Her research areas include computer science education, informal learning, makerspaces and computational thinking, and entrepreneurship. She teaches in the areas of database design for information systems, analysis and design, project management, and entrepreneurship.
Serving as a St. Vincent de Paul Professor and DePaul Presidential Fellow in KGSB’s Department of Management & Entrepreneurship, Dr. Westring teaches courses with an emphasis on organizational behavior and career management. Dr. Westring's research focuses broadly on the interplay between work, family and other life domains.She is co-author of the book Parents Who Lead: The Leadership Approach You Need to Parent with Purpose, Fuel Your Career, and Create a Richer Life, which was published by Harvard Business Review Press in March 2020.
Courses with an IT focus cover systems analysis, user-centered design, project management, information security management and enterprise infrastructure. Courses focusing on business skills cover financial accounting, operations and human capital management, organizational behavior, creativity and innovation, and marketing management. Because students gain knowledge and skills in both areas, their education will be aligned with emerging professional opportunities, making them highly sought after by leading companies and organizations in every industry and sector.
This degree can be completed entirely online. One hundred percent of the program’s lectures—from audio and video to whiteboard writing and supplemental materials—are captured and available online.
With over 35 Fortune 500 companies calling the Chicago area home, you’ll make connections, build relationships, and find career opportunities to grow as a student and a professional.
The graduate application process involves completing an online application, sending in your transcripts and submitting any supplemental material (e.g., letters of recommendation, certifications, etc.). To learn more about your program specific requirements, visit our Graduate Admission page
Admission Requirements
Contact Graduate Admission