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The Bachelor of Science in Data Science is designed to meet the growing demand for data scientists and data analysts with deep analytical and technical skills who can analyze massive amounts of data and extract information from complex data sources.
Data scientists need expertise in the three core areas: computer science, mathematics, and information management. They also need good critical thinking and effective communication skills. Our interdisciplinary undergraduate curriculum emphasizes the core areas of data science, including courses in programming, math, statistical modeling, machine learning, and data management. Students learn all the aspects of the data science process from data collection and data understanding to model building, and model validation, and develop communication and critical thinking skills through real world applications.
For international students: this is a STEM-designated program, which can qualify you to extend your post-graduation stay in the United States.
Companies hiring from our program include Amazon, Facebook, Google, Groupon, CVS, and Deloitte to name just a few.
Our school is centrally located in the Loop, Chicago’s business district. Students have access to a growing and vibrant data science community and can take advantage of the myriad of events in data science that occur in Chicago, such as Meetups, data hackathons, and workshops.
Associate Professor
Associate Dean
The Laboratory for Interactive Human-Computer Analytics (LIHCA) at DePaul studies principally Human-in-the-Loop analytics (sometimes called Interactive Machine Learning or Human-Centered Machine Learning), a new field in understanding data by leveraging machine learning and interactive visualization simultaneously. Faculty and students in the lab integrate these two types of tools, studying the types of visualization and interaction that can be fruitful for gathering human insight, the types of machine learning algorithm used to take advantage of them, and the implications of this technology for disparate application domains like bioinformatics, medical informatics, journalism, and urban communities.
Students can pursue minors in allied fields, including Geographic Information Systems. This 5-course undergraduate GIS Certificate introduces geospatial technologies, an emerging field of IT, and teaches skills to visualize, manipulate, analyze, and service geographic data/information.
Our data science group coordinates monthly events to connect students with industry professionals, alumni, and faculty through workshops, panel discussions, skill trainings, and hackathons.
Students develop innovative tools and methods in data science and focus on the application of these techniques through industry-sponsored projects and faculty-led research.
DePaul CDS fosters collaborations with industry and nonprofits to conduct joint analytics projects, providing students with real-world problem solving experience in data science.
Faculty teaching in this program have active research projects in a wide range of areas, including medical informatics, visual analytics, recommender systems, social computing, and text mining.
Students have access to state-of-the-art labs and classrooms. In addition, CDM is host to a number of specialized research labs equipped with advanced technology, software, and experimental tools to support faculty and students in their research endeavors.