Bachelor of Science Computer Science

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Computing is everywhere: from manufacturing to advertising, from social life to sitting quietly with an e-book. What are the rules that govern the devices and networks that are so important in our daily lives? How do they work? Computer programs and services that we use every day are among the most complex artifacts ever constructed by humans. How can such complex systems be structured so that they are easily repaired or modified? The BS in Computer Science at DePaul CDM prepares students to answer such questions, providing them with the skills necessary to contribute to this vital aspect of our culture. Computer Science is a richly rewarding intellectual discipline that combines aspects of mathematics, science and engineering. Once students have mastered the basic vocabulary of algorithms, programming, and systems, a world of interdisciplinary opportunities become available—human-computer interaction, artificial intelligence and computational finance, to name a few—as well as applications across the arts and sciences.

For international students: this is a STEM-designated program, which can qualify you to extend your post-graduation stay in the United States.


CS Grads are Ready to Succeed

Our school is centrally located in the Loop, Chicago’s business district and home to offices of major companies in tech, insurance, banking, finance, and more. Many students take advantage of this by securing internships near campus.

Computer Science graduates from DePaul go on to work in a wide variety of industries. Almost every business can make use of new information technology ideas and applications for their systems.

Companies hiring our graduates include Allstate, Amazon, CNA, DeepMind, Federal Reserve Bank, JP Morgan Chase, GitHub, State Farm, Bosch, CME Group, Abbott Laboratories, Microsoft, and more.

Student Spotlight

Talal with Chicago skyline in background

Computer science student Adrianna Pinzariu believes artificial intelligence has the potential to help keep people safe and healthy. She isn’t waiting until graduation to make that a reality.

Pinzariu is developing a mobile app to help college students walk safely together on campus. She’s applying AI models that can help law enforcement identify human trafficking. And she’s using data science and machine learning in research that may enable doctors to identify lung cancer sooner on medical imaging.

Now, Pinzariu is part of the Obama Foundation’s newest cohort of Voyager Scholarship for Public Service recipients.

  • Ljubomir Perkovic

    Professor Ljubomir Perkovic joined the faculty at CDM in 2000. His research interests include computational geometry, graph theory and algorithms, distributed computing, computer science education, and computational thinking.

  • James Riely

    Professor James Riely studies programming language semantics, with applications to type systems and software security. He joined DePaul University's Foundations of Programming Languages group in 1999.

  • Amber Settle

    Professor Settle's research interests include information technology and computer science education and theoretical computer science. She served on the Executive Board of the ACM Special Interest Group for Computer Science Education (SIGCSE) between 2010 and 2022.

  • Michaël Cadilhac

    Assistant Professor Cadilhac studies automata theory through the lens of algebra and combinatorics, with applications to formal software verification and high-performance computing. His most important results are at the confluence of regular languages, circuit complexity, and algebraic language theory.

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Faculty Research

CS faculty perform research in a wide variety of areas. Many projects are funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and other agencies. Faculty research areas include artificial intelligence, computational finance, data mining, database systems, high performance and scientific computing, human-computer interaction, programming languages and systems, security, software engineering, technology education, theory, and visual computing.

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Student Organizations

CDM is home to a number of student organizations to fit your interests and career goals. The Computer Science Society (CSS) provides students the opportunity to collaborate on computer science-related projects, expand their computer science education, and hosts events like DemonHacks, our annual weekend-long hackathon. CSS’s goal is to build a community that computer science students can look to as a resource for academics, networking, career improvement, and enjoyment.

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BIG EAST Research Symposium

Undergraduate computer science students participated in the inaugural (2022) and second (2023) BIG EAST Student Research Symposiums, held at Madison Square Garden in New York City. The event highlights the outstanding work of undergraduate students in faculty-mentored research projects from each of the 11 universities in the BIG EAST Conference.

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Online Learning

Many courses for this program are available for review and playback online. One hundred percent of the lectures in the CDM courses—from audio and video to whiteboard writing and supplemental materials—are captured and available online. Transfer students may complete this degree online.


Capstone Classes

The CS degree has two capstone experiences for students, one in the sophomore year and the other in the senior year. The Sophomore Lab in Applied Computing introduces advanced concepts at an early stage. The subject matter varies and is typically related to the professor's area of research. The Software Projects capstone course requires students to work together on a substantial project. Computer science is a collaborate field, and this capstone experience prepares students for the kind of collaboration they will find in the workplace.

students in class  

Labs and Centers

Students have access to state-of-the-art labs and classrooms. In addition, CDM is host to a number of specialized research labs equipped with advanced technology, software, and experimental tools to support faculty and students in their research endeavors.

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Ask a Student Ambassador

Jamya Whitman
BS in Computer Science