Bachelor of Science Math & Computer Science

The BS in Math and Computer Science is a joint degree between the School of Computing in CDM and the Department of Mathematics in the College of Science and Health. It provides challenging opportunities to exceptional students with an interest in the highly theoretical nexus of math and computer science. Mathematics is a key element to the theory and practice of computer science and technology. Sample courses include artificial intelligence, computational mathematics, linear algebra, programming, and theory of computation. 

For international students: this is a STEM-designated program, which can qualify you to extend your post-graduation stay in the United States.

Degree Requirements


This program prepares students for graduate study in various areas of computer science research including theoretical computer science, graphics, data analysis, artificial intelligence, and computational methods, as well as in areas in applied mathematics such as numerical analysis or discrete mathematics.

It is also designed to prepare students to compete for the more theoretical complex jobs found in computer software development.

$71,400 median salary reported by School of Computing graduates 6 months after degree completion

93% of reporting School of Computing graduates were employed, continuing education, or not seeking employment within six months of graduation

School of Computing Research

faculty with 2 students

DePaul treats cutting-edge, multidisciplinary, transformative research as integral to its delivery of first-class instruction. Learn more about some of the funded projects our faculty are working on and how you can participate.

students in classroom  

Labs and Centers

Students have access to hundreds of workstations across state-of-the-art labs and classrooms. In addition to these general purpose labs, CDM is host to a number of specialized research labs equipped with advanced technology, software, and experimental tools to support faculty and students in their research endeavors.

students talking  

Combined Degree Program

DePaul’s combined bachelor’s + master’s degree programs allow students to earn both their undergraduate and graduate degrees in about five years. Several master’s degree programs can be combined with the BS in Math & Computer Science, including the MS in Artificial Intelligence, MS in Data Science, MS in Applied Statistics, and many more.


Research Talks

The School of Computing hosts regular talks on creative and breakthrough research by faculty, students, and industry professionals, including the Math/CS Seminar, Research Colloquium, and the iD Lab Speaker Series. The Math Department regularly hosts the Department Colloquium; Algebra, Combinatorics, and Number Theory Seminar; and Analysis and Modeling Seminar.

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