Iyad Kanj Professor // Theory School of Computing Email: ikanj@cdm.depaul.edu Office:CDM 832 Phone: 312-362-5558 312-362-5558 Homepage: http://facweb.cs.depaul.edu/ikanj Advising and Office Hours: Office hours are posted on D2L. Schedule Advising Appointments through OneDePaul. Bio and Research Information Iyad Kanj's research interests include parameterized complexity, graph theory and algorithms, combinatorial optimization, computational geometry, and bioinformatics. Research Area Theory Schedule for Spring 2024-2025 Not available Courses Taught at DePaul CSC 200 Survey of Computing CSC 235 Problem Solving CSC 241 Introduction to Computer Science I CSC 243 Introduction to Computer Science for Programmers CSC 321 Design and Analysis of Algorithms CSC 389 Theory of Computation CSC 395 Research Colloquium CSC 397 Topics in Computer Science CSC 399 Independent Study CSC 400 Discrete Structures for Computer Science CSC 421 Applied Algorithms and Structures CSC 489 Theory of Computation CSC 500 Research Colloquium CSC 525 Combinatorial Optimization CSC 531 Introduction to Bioinformatics CSC 591 Topics in Algorithms CSC 595 Topics in Computer Science CSC 599 Independent Study CSC 690 Research Seminar CSC 695 Master's Research CSC 698 Master's Thesis CSC 699 Research CSC 701 Full-Time Candidacy Continuation GPH 259 Design Geometry IS 451 Database Design for Information Systems IT 240 Introduction to Databases Course Evaluations CSC 321 - 610Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 23-24 CSC 321 - 601Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 23-24 CSC 321 - 602Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 23-24 CSC 321 - 611Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 23-24 CSC 321 - 510Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsWinter 23-24 CSC 321 - 501Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsWinter 23-24 CSC 321 - 502Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsWinter 23-24 CSC 321 - 511Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsWinter 23-24 CSC 321 - 401Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsFall 23-24 CSC 321 - 410Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsFall 23-24 CSC 321 - 402Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsFall 23-24 CSC 321 - 411Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsFall 23-24 CSC 321 - 610Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 22-23 CSC 321 - 601Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 22-23 CSC 421 - 920Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 22-23 CSC 421 - 921Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 22-23 CSC 321 - 510Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsWinter 22-23 CSC 400 - 802Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceWinter 22-23 CSC 321 - 501Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsWinter 22-23 CSC 400 - 811Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceWinter 22-23 CSC 321 - 610Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 21-22 CSC 321 - 601Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 21-22 CSC 421 - 901Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 21-22 CSC 421 - 910Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 21-22 CSC 421 - 801Applied Algorithms and StructuresWinter 21-22 CSC 421 - 810Applied Algorithms and StructuresWinter 21-22 CSC 321 - 810Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsWinter 21-22 CSC 321 - 801Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsWinter 21-22 CSC 321 - 401Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsFall 21-22 CSC 421 - 701Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 21-22 CSC 421 - 710Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 21-22 CSC 321 - 411Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsFall 21-22 CSC 400 - 520Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceSummer II 20-21 CSC 321 - 610Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 20-21 CSC 321 - 601Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 20-21 CSC 421 - 920Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 20-21 CSC 421 - 910Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 19-20 CSC 500 - 610Research ColloquiumSpring 19-20 CSC 321 - 610Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 19-20 CSC 421 - 901Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 19-20 CSC 321 - 601Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 19-20 CSC 421 - 801Applied Algorithms and StructuresWinter 19-20 CSC 321 - 801Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsWinter 19-20 CSC 421 - 810Applied Algorithms and StructuresWinter 19-20 CSC 321 - 810Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsWinter 19-20 CSC 595 - 801Topics in Computer ScienceWinter 19-20 CSC 321 - 401Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsFall 19-20 CSC 321 - 410Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsFall 19-20 CSC 321 - 402Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsFall 19-20 CSC 525 - 901Combinatorial OptimizationSpring 18-19 CSC 525 - 910Combinatorial OptimizationSpring 18-19 CSC 421 - 801Applied Algorithms and StructuresWinter 18-19 CSC 321 - 801Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsWinter 18-19 CSC 421 - 810Applied Algorithms and StructuresWinter 18-19 CSC 321 - 810Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsWinter 18-19 CSC 321 - 401Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsFall 18-19 CSC 421 - 701Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 18-19 CSC 421 - 710Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 18-19 CSC 421 - 901Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 17-18 CSC 421 - 910Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 17-18 CSC 321 - 610Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 17-18 CSC 321 - 601Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 17-18 CSC 421 - 801Applied Algorithms and StructuresWinter 17-18 CSC 321 - 801Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsWinter 17-18 CSC 421 - 810Applied Algorithms and StructuresWinter 17-18 CSC 321 - 810Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsWinter 17-18 CSC 421 - 701Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 17-18 CSC 421 - 710Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 17-18 CSC 243 - 401Introduction to Computer Science for...Fall 17-18 CSC 421 - 901Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 16-17 CSC 421 - 910Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 16-17 CSC 321 - 601Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 16-17 CSC 421 - 801Applied Algorithms and StructuresWinter 16-17 CSC 421 - 810Applied Algorithms and StructuresWinter 16-17 CSC 525 - 801Combinatorial OptimizationWinter 16-17 CSC 421 - 701Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 16-17 CSC 421 - 710Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 16-17 CSC 489 - 701Theory of ComputationFall 16-17 CSC 421 - 901Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 15-16 CSC 421 - 910Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 15-16 CSC 321 - 601Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 15-16 CSC 321 - 801Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsWinter 15-16 CSC 321 - 810Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsWinter 15-16 CSC 400 - 802Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceWinter 15-16 CSC 400 - 811Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceWinter 15-16 CSC 421 - 701Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 15-16 CSC 421 - 710Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 15-16 CSC 400 - 701Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceFall 15-16 CSC 400 - 710Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceFall 15-16 CSC 321 - 901Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 13-14 CSC 421 - 901Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 13-14 CSC 421 - 910Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 13-14 CSC 500 - 610Research ColloquiumSpring 13-14 CSC 321 - 910Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 13-14 CSC 531 - 910Introduction to BioinformaticsSpring 13-14 CSC 421 - 801Applied Algorithms and StructuresWinter 13-14 CSC 421 - 810Applied Algorithms and StructuresWinter 13-14 CSC 500 - 510Research ColloquiumWinter 13-14 CSC 489 - 801Theory of ComputationWinter 13-14 CSC 489 - 810Theory of ComputationWinter 13-14 CSC 389 - 801Theory of ComputationWinter 13-14 CSC 321 - 401Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsFall 13-14 CSC 321 - 410Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsFall 13-14 CSC 421 - 701Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 13-14 CSC 421 - 710Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 13-14 CSC 421 - 901Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 12-13 CSC 421 - 910Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 12-13 CSC 400 - 901Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceSpring 12-13 CSC 400 - 910Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceSpring 12-13 CSC 400 - 801Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceWinter 12-13 CSC 400 - 810Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceWinter 12-13 CSC 421 - 801Applied Algorithms and StructuresWinter 12-13 CSC 421 - 810Applied Algorithms and StructuresWinter 12-13 CSC 321 - 401Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsFall 12-13 CSC 321 - 410Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsFall 12-13 CSC 451 - 701Database Design for Information SystemsFall 12-13 CSC 451 - 710Database Design for Information SystemsFall 12-13 CSC 421 - 901Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 11-12 CSC 421 - 910Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 11-12 CSC 525 - 901Combinatorial OptimizationSpring 11-12 CSC 525 - 910Combinatorial OptimizationSpring 11-12 CSC 202 - 801Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceWinter 11-12 CSC 202 - 810Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceWinter 11-12 CSC 421 - 801Applied Algorithms and StructuresWinter 11-12 CSC 421 - 810Applied Algorithms and StructuresWinter 11-12 CSC 202 - 701Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceFall 11-12 CSC 202 - 710Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceFall 11-12 CSC 489 - 701Theory of ComputationFall 11-12 CSC 421 - 901Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 10-11 CSC 421 - 910Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 10-11 CSC 531 - 901Introduction to BioinformaticsSpring 10-11 CSC 531 - 910Introduction to BioinformaticsSpring 10-11 CSC 202 - 801Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceWinter 10-11 CSC 321 - 501Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsWinter 10-11 CSC 202 - 810Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceWinter 10-11 CSC 321 - 510Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsWinter 10-11 CSC 202 - 701Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceFall 10-11 CSC 202 - 710Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceFall 10-11 CSC 421 - 701Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 10-11 CSC 421 - 710Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 10-11 CSC 235 - 601Problem SolvingSpring 09-10 CSC 421 - 901Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 09-10 CSC 421 - 910Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 09-10 GPH 259 - 202Design GeometryWinter 09-10 CSC 489 - 801Theory of ComputationWinter 09-10 CSC 489 - 810Theory of ComputationWinter 09-10 CSC 389 - 801Theory of ComputationWinter 09-10 GPH 259 - 401Design GeometryFall 09-10 CSC 202 - 701Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceFall 09-10 CSC 202 - 710Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceFall 09-10 CSC 235 - 601Problem SolvingSpring 08-09 CSC 421 - 901Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 08-09 CSC 421 - 910Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 08-09 CSC 202 - 901Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceSpring 07-08 CSC 202 - 910Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceSpring 07-08 CSC 321 - 901Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 07-08 IT 240 - 801Introduction to DatabasesWinter 07-08 IT 240 - 810Introduction to DatabasesWinter 07-08 CSC 241 - 501Introduction to Computer Science IWinter 07-08 CSC 202 - 701Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceFall 07-08 CSC 202 - 710Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceFall 07-08 CSC 421 - 701Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 07-08 CSC 421 - 710Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 07-08 CSC 202 - 501Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceSummer II 06-07 CSC 202 - 510Discrete Structures for Computer ScienceSummer II 06-07 CSC 525 - 901Combinatorial OptimizationSpring 06-07 CSC 235 - 601Problem SolvingSpring 06-07 CSC 241 - 501Introduction to Computer Science IWinter 06-07 CSC 489 - 801Theory of ComputationWinter 06-07 CSC 489 - 810Theory of ComputationWinter 06-07 CSC 591 - 701Topics in AlgorithmsFall 06-07 CSC 591 - 710Topics in AlgorithmsFall 06-07 IT 240 - 402Introduction to DatabasesFall 06-07 CSC 491 - 901Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 05-06 CSC 491 - 910Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 05-06 IT 240 - 901Introduction to DatabasesSpring 05-06 IT 240 - 910Introduction to DatabasesSpring 05-06 CSC 321 - 501Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsWinter 05-06 CSC 489 - 801Theory of ComputationWinter 05-06 CSC 200 - 101Survey of ComputingFall 05-06 CSC 491 - 701Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 05-06 CSC 491 - 703Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 05-06 CSC 491 - 901Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 04-05 CSC 491 - 902Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 04-05 CSC 591 - 901Topics in AlgorithmsSpring 04-05 CSC 591 - 902Topics in AlgorithmsSpring 04-05 CSC 235 - 201Problem SolvingWinter 04-05 CSC 489 - 801Theory of ComputationWinter 04-05 CSC 489 - 802Theory of ComputationWinter 04-05 CSC 491 - 701Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 04-05 CSC 491 - 703Applied Algorithms and StructuresFall 04-05 IT 240 - 401Introduction to DatabasesFall 04-05 CSC 321 - 901Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsSpring 03-04 CSC 491 - 901Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 03-04 CSC 491 - 903Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 03-04 CSC 319 - 801Database TechnologyWinter 03-04 CSC 491 - 801Applied Algorithms and StructuresWinter 03-04 CSC 319 - 802Database TechnologyWinter 03-04 CSC 319 - 702Database TechnologyFall 03-04 CSC 321 - 401Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsFall 03-04 CSC 449 - 301Database TechnologiesSpring 02-03 CSC 319 - 901Database TechnologySpring 02-03 CSC 449 - 305Database TechnologiesSpring 02-03 CSC 319 - 802Database TechnologyWinter 02-03 CSC 591 - 201Topics in AlgorithmsWinter 02-03 CSC 321 - 401Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsFall 02-03 CSC 415 - 103Foundations of Computer ScienceFall 02-03 CSC 491 - 301Applied Algorithms and StructuresSpring 01-02 CSC 491 - 201Applied Algorithms and StructuresWinter 01-02 CSC 321 - 401Design and Analysis of AlgorithmsFall 01-02 CSC 417 - 101Foundations of Computer Science IIIFall 01-02