Xiaoping Jia

Associate Dean // Software Engineering, Systems Development, Programming Languages
School of Computing
Xiaoping Jia

Bio and Research Information

Xiaoping Jia is the Director of Institute for Software Engineering. His primary research interests are software engineering. His specific research areas include software modeling, agile software development, Object-Oriented architecture, design and frameworks, model-driven development, visual languages, software visualization, and formal methods. His interests also include development of software tools and technologies for mobile and wireless applications. He is the author of numerous journal and conference publications and a book on Object-Oriented software development. He has also written several widely used software engineering tools. Xiaoping Jia received his undergraduate degree and Master's degree in Computer Science from Fudan University, Shanghai, China. He received his Ph.D. in Computer Science from Northwestern University.

Research Area

Software Engineering, Systems Development, Programming Languages

Specific Research Area

Software development for mobile platforms, and mobile computing. Cross-platform mobile application development. Domain-specific languages for mobile application development. Design and implementation of domain-specific languages. Agile software development. Object-oriented architecture, design and framework. Model-driven engineering. Formal methods.

Professional Associations

IEEE Computer Society, ACM

Schedule for Spring 2024-2025

Courses Taught at DePaul

Course Evaluations