Course Info

SE 475: Managing Globally Distributed Software Development

Managing Globally Distributed Software Development (GDSD) for IT projects. Issues associated with time zone differences, infrastructure support, geographical dispersion, and lack of centralized communication. The course will focus on the management, implementation and deployment of software within the context of outsourced, distributed development, and insourced projects. Additional topics include strategic management issues such as justification, vetting, consulting services and partnerships. Course will include several hands-on distributed development projects.

CSC 403 is a prerequisite for this class.

Fall 2024-2025

Section: 701
Class number: 14517
Meeting time: W 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00224 at Loop Campus

Section 741

Class number 14634

Meeting dates: 9/4/2024 - 11/19/2024
Meeting time: W 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00224 at Loop Campus
Meeting dates: 9/4/2024 - 11/19/2024
Meeting time: W 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: Flex

Fall 2023-2024

Section: 701
Class number: 12807
Meeting time: W 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00216 at Loop Campus
Section: 710
Class number: 12944
Meeting time: -
Location: Online: Async (Sync-Option)

Fall 2022-2023

Section: 701
Class number: 18425
Meeting time: W 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00216 at Loop Campus
Section: 710
Class number: 18577
Meeting time: -
Location: Online: Async

Fall 2021-2022

Section: 701
Class number: 3982
Meeting time: W 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00212 at Loop Campus
Section: 710
Class number: 4163
Meeting time: -
Location: Online: Async

Fall 2020-2021

Section: 701
Class number: 10258
Meeting time: W 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: Online: Sync
Section: 710
Class number: 10438
Meeting time: -
Location: Online: Async (Sync-Option)