Course Info

DSC 324: Advanced Data Analysis

The course will teach advanced statistical techniques to discover information from large sets of data. The course topics include visualization techniques to summarize and display high dimensional data, dimensional reduction techniques such as principal component analysis and factor analysis, clustering techniques for discovering patterns from large datasets, and classification techniques for decision making. The methods will be implemented using standard computer packages.

CSC 324 or DSC 323 or consent of instructor is a prerequisite for this class.

Summer II 2024-2025

Section: 501
Class number: 40515
Meeting time: MW 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00216 at Loop Campus

Spring 2024-2025

Section: 930
Class number: 35909
Meeting time: Tu 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: Online: Sync

Winter 2024-2025

Section: 801
Class number: 23311
Meeting time: M 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00222 at Loop Campus

Fall 2024-2025

Section: 701
Class number: 14613
Meeting time: W 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00214 at Loop Campus
Section: 710
Class number: 14976
Meeting time: -
Location: Online: Async

Summer II 2023-2024

Section: 501
Class number: 40588
Meeting time: MW 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00206 at Loop Campus

Spring 2023-2024

Section: 901
Class number: 32932
Meeting time: W 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: LEWIS 01216 at Loop Campus

Winter 2023-2024

Section: 820
Class number: 25191
Meeting time: -
Location: Online: Async

Fall 2023-2024

Section: 701
Class number: 12920
Meeting time: W 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00226 at Loop Campus
Section: 710
Class number: 13466
Meeting time: -
Location: Online: Async

Summer II 2022-2023

Section: 501
Class number: 45681
Meeting time: MW 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00228 at Loop Campus

Spring 2022-2023

Section: 901
Class number: 40067
Meeting time: W 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00224 at Loop Campus

Winter 2022-2023

Section: 801
Class number: 28900
Meeting time: M 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00214 at Loop Campus

Fall 2022-2023

Section 701

Class number 18552

Meeting dates: 9/7/2022 - 11/22/2022
Meeting time: W 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00200 at Loop Campus
Meeting dates: 9/7/2022 - 11/22/2022
Meeting time: -
Location: OLASY NCH00 at Loop Campus

Section: 710
Class number: 23851
Meeting time: -
Location: Online: Async (Sync-Option)

Summer II 2021-2022

Section: 501
Class number: 42333
Meeting time: MW 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00222 at Loop Campus

Spring 2021-2022

Section: 901
Class number: 37499
Meeting time: W 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: LEWIS 01216 at Loop Campus
Instructor: Ronan Johnson

Winter 2021-2022

Section: 801
Class number: 28590
Meeting time: Tu 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: CDM 00220 at Loop Campus
Instructor: Ronan Johnson
Section: 810
Class number: 21554
Meeting time: -
Location: Online: Async
Instructor: Ronan Johnson

Fall 2021-2022

Section: 701
Class number: 4137
Meeting time: W 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: LEWIS 01509 at Loop Campus
Instructor: Ronan Johnson

Summer II 2020-2021

Section: 501
Class number: 40105
Meeting time: MW 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: Online: Sync
Section: 510
Class number: 41220
Meeting time: -
Location: On Campus

Spring 2020-2021

Section: 901
Class number: 30724
Meeting time: W 5:45PM - 9:00PM
Location: Online: Sync