Course Info

FILM 419: Live Event/Talk TV Workshop

In this workshop students will produce events with guest artists presented in front of a live studio audience. Students will learn the professional practices and positions that constitute talk-show format television production. They will help prep each appearance and participate as crew members in the multi-camera production and telecasting of the events. Events are held on select Fridays and occasional Saturdays throughout the quarter, and attendance is required. May be repeated for credit. (2 quarter hours)

This course is repeatable.

Spring 2024-2025

Section: 601
Class number: 32700
Meeting time: Tu 10:10AM - 11:40AM
Location: 14EAS LL105 at Loop Campus

Winter 2024-2025

Section: 501
Class number: 22549
Meeting time: Tu 10:10AM - 11:40AM
Location: 14EAS LL105 at Loop Campus

Fall 2024-2025

Section: 401
Class number: 14365
Meeting time: W 10:10AM - 11:40AM
Location: 14EAS LL105 at Loop Campus

Spring 2023-2024

Section: 601
Class number: 32614
Meeting time: Tu 10:10AM - 11:40AM
Location: 14EAS LL105 at Loop Campus

Winter 2023-2024

Section: 501
Class number: 22487
Meeting time: Tu 10:10AM - 11:40AM
Location: 14EAS LL105 at Loop Campus

Fall 2023-2024

Section: 401
Class number: 13534
Meeting time: W 10:10AM - 11:40AM
Location: 14EAS LL105 at Loop Campus

Spring 2022-2023

Section: 601
Class number: 42323
Meeting time: Tu 10:10AM - 11:40AM
Location: 14EAS LL105 at Loop Campus

Winter 2022-2023

Section: 501
Class number: 31130
Meeting time: Tu 10:10AM - 11:40AM
Location: 14EAS LL105 at Loop Campus

Fall 2022-2023

Section: 401
Class number: 24014
Meeting time: W 10:10AM - 11:40AM
Location: 14EAS LL105 at Loop Campus