
ANI 231 3D Animation

Winter 2020-2021
Class number: 28212
Section number: 801
Th 5:45PM - 9:00PM
OLSYN CH000 Online Campus



3D Animation

Section: 801

Class number: 28212

Meeting time: Th 5:45PM - 9:00PM

Location: Online: Sync

Jason Hopkins



In this course, students will be introduced to animation in 3D through the use of traditional animation principles. Topics will include: animation fundamentals, keyframing, splining, animated cameras, rendering, and an introduction to rigging basic characters. Emphasis will be placed on using the computer as a tool to create animation for film and games. PREREQUISITE(S): ANI 230


Week 1: 


Hot Keys: Alt + v =play, alt +. =advance by keyframe


In-class exercise:

Varying graphs: flat, linear, spline overshot, stepped (same time, different spacing)

Keying all channels = s, or separate channels RMB

Breaking tangents with bouncing ball

Squash and stretch with cheat sheet

Adding rotation, and roll


Assignment 1: Bouncing Ball

Make an object bounce creatively.


1) Achieve “good” (has texture--variations in speed, stillness vs energy) timing (should adhere to believable laws of physics: F=ma (g+9.8m/s*s), use LMB +shift to click and drag to space keys (24 ~ 30 fps) 1 pt

2) and spacing (break tangents to provide a sense of gravity (= translate y) and achieve “hang time” (spling in the graph editor)1 pt

3) add squash and stretch (with scale--make sure to adjust pivot point) IN animation tab, Go to deform → non-linear→ squash 1 pt

4) Add rotation (to follow arc trajectory) 1 pt

5) have at least one collision interaction (consider using a deformer for some extra credit--like the spring) 1 pt

Ex] Billy Bob:

Assignment Policy: Turn in every assignment on time. Every assignment turned in on time can be resubmitted an unlimited number of times. 


Graph Editor

D = V * T

Select: Curves-Weighted Tangents, Select: Tangents Free Tangent Length=== Allows more flexibility when tweaking tangents

Horizontal = no movement

Vertical = instantaneous velocity 

Stepped Tangent: Basically Teleportation of an object. Good for animating characters


Hot Keys

S: save spot of object in a frame

Shift/Left Click: select more while keeping previous selected objects/tangents


Filmic Examples:

Red’s Dream:

Tin Toy:



Playblast guidelines:

  1. View → resolution gate (to see what your camera will render)

  2. Consider animating the camera to strengthen clarity of staging (make your subject the “hero” (no gray plastic--at least color your props/environment, etc)

  3. Turn on textures (make rolling things clear by adding a checker pattern/stripe etc.)

  4. Add a key light (usually a direction light with depth map shadows will suffice) turn on lights in viewport 2.0 render (brighten scene--avoid white burn out)

  5. Turn on shadows and adjust resolution and color (avoid pure black--consider playing with opposites on the color wheel

  6. Add a fill light (? intensity, no shadows--in shadow direction, complementary colors--eliminate black)

  7.  Turn on ambient occlusion

  8. Turn on motion blur

  9. Turn on anti-aliasing

  10. To refine these defaults further (go to renderer option box)

  11. RMB click on timeline, assign name and pathway, maximize quality settings


Color your objects so that they are distinguishable. Turn on your resolution gate. Turn everything off (including the grid) except geometry-- this is good “playblast ettique”

Here are the desired options on a Mac.  Use .avi (with CRAM compression) with a PC and turn quality to 100).

Assignment due Thursday before class starts

Create a playblast, upload to Youtube, copy the link below:

Alexander Costa; (Reupload )
Cori Winters (More bouncing less zipping at the end, check timing after 1st cone and hitting coil, check timing with coil, move camera, simplify movement, check ball squash, stretch and rotation)

Brandon Garcia

Elizabeth Arroyo:

Declan McInerney: v01

-Give the blue box some context

-More pullback and follow through bounce on string

-Change angle on pipe

-More force on ball

-More props

Leon Tanlim:

Bit too floaty, ending needed, remove the deformer that shows up, spring charge up more?

Griffin Jordan:

Ball is delayed on takeoff from spring, spring needs to maintain shape, cylinder needs to aim it towards spring, launches off spring too fast, more swash/stretch

Joseph Mackowiak:

Juan Valdez:

  1. Rotational trajectory on the ball

  2. Fix squash and stretch (the ball is anticipating the stretch)


Brandon Garcia

Declan McInerney:

Joseph Mackowiak:,

Griffin Jordan:

Elizabeth Arroyo:


Week 2: Overlap

1) Make an object bounce utilizing all principles in the last assignment (believable timing, spacing, squash and stretch, and rotation on the path trajectory) 1 pt

2)  Add four joints and bind them to a tail-like structure that you will attach to your bouncing object 1 pt

3) Make the tail react with believable overlap (consider using the dope sheet) 2 pts

4) Creatively consider the assignment, looking to add props, implement humor/narrative to distinguish yourself (remember good playblast etiquette). 1 pt


Animator Reels/Websites:


Obstacle course and collisions


  1. Get timing and spacing down with translates

x=horizontal force (only effected by friction)

y=gravity (acceleration at 9.8 m/s^2) --consider playing with editable motion trails


  1. Squash and stretch

  2. Rotation

  3. Roll


Week 2 Submissions: 


MEchanics Reel Ex}


Leon Tanlim:


Joseph Mackowiak:


Alexander Costa : 


Brandon Garcia:


Cori Winters: 


Griffin Jordan:

Speed up, remove float like feel, bend the tail more, proper playblast settings

Griffin Jordan (resubmission):

Declan McInerney:


Elizabeth Arroyo: 


Juan Valdez:


In-Class Flexible Pendulum Exercise:


  1. Show good dynamic, textured timing

  2. Good overlap (use dope sheet)

  3. Show energy settle (come to rest)


Freezing transformations

Add joints 4 bones (use 3)

Hierarchy - platform - joint 1-j2-j3-j4-ball



WINNER! First to submit!!!

Elizabeth & Alex: 

Cori and Juan:

Brandon and Griffin

Leon & Joseph:


Week 3: Animating a Jump

Rig a ball with legs

  1. Should have a squash deformer 1 pt

  2. Ik legs, with pole vector constraint locator knee controls 1 pt

  3. Get and import reference (shoot or go to: )on to an image plane 1 pt 


Carlos Baena:


  1. Make character jump, showing foot overlap 1 pt

  2. Demonstrate good animation principles (timing, weight, etc.) 1 pt




  • Adobe After Effects: render out an image sequence- name.#.ext

    • Change underscore to a period when saving 



  • Ref-import: push past it- exaggerate poses, distances, and timing 

  • Blocking

    • Set keys: Storytelling poses- create a select set

    • Breakdowns

    • In-betweens

  • Splining:Graph editing

  • Refining:(offset)


  • Start with head then ikhandle

    • Get big picture done right then go on to smaller details


Place your jump links here:

Alexander Costa:
Cori Winters: 

Brandon Garcia:

Leon Tanlim Resubmit:

Declan McInerney:

-More impact on land

Griffin Jordan:

-feet planted, make it less floaty, proper render settings

Elizabeth Arroyo: 

Joseph Mackowiak: (Resubmit:

Juan Valdez:

Camara closer

Knees bent

Squash and stretch



Creating Character Tips

  • Hotkey G when extruding character face

  • Hotkey Y: last tool used

  • Hotkey P: connects two joints

  • Hotkey V: snap tool

  • Hotkey Control G: group


Before you start graph editing


Edit → Delete → All by type → Static Channels


(cleans your graph for editing)


Walk Cycles:

Walk Cycles


1) Hit contact poses--get contra posto (arms opposite legs/hips/shoulder/head shift) 1pt

2) passing poses (breakdown) --up and down movement 1 pt

3) add in-betweens (down and up poses) toe lift 1pt

4) splining--nail down gravity=trans y 1pt

5) refining--offset break in arms, spine 1 pt


Copy your link below:


Alexander Costa: (ReUpload: )

Brandon Garcia:
Cori Winters: (Resubmit:

Griffin Jordan:

Declan McInerney:

Leon Tanlim:

Elizabeth Arroyo: (Resubmit: )

Juan Valdez:

Joseph Mackowiak:  )


Characters Walking with Cycles and Redirect --in class exercise due Tuesday


1)individual quality (of model, rig, animation)

2) team work

3) staging and interaction between different files


  • Ground Plane


  • Quick select set selecting character

    • Curves → Pre infinity Cycle and Post → Infinity Cycle

  • Smooth Tangents

    • Arm Bones all splined

    • Flaten


  • Create Locator 

    • Drawing Overrides: change color

    • Put by character heel

    • Go to global move and hit the S key on each frame

      • Slightly move character forward lining up heel with front of locator

    • Under Global Move: Post infinity → cycle with offset 


  • Offset Redirect Control (Key → Redirect)

    • Rotate Y


Brandon and Elizabeth:

Griffin Jordan:

Joseph, Leon, Declan:

Declan- get up and down movement, fix foot that hangs around, swing arms a bit more

Alex, Cori:

Juan and Griffin: 


Body Sync:


  1. Shoot yourself performing a line (could be from a movie--no more than 11 secs)

  2. Refer to the movie performance (re-contextualize the clip, ironic/humorous, just a monologue, don't do two characters, if from a movie, show off taste)--can't be animation, should be full body--no camera moves


  1. Write out the Monologue

You know what you look like to me, with your good bag and your cheap 

(subtext--giving your read: looks on never blinking, obsessive in gaze)

shoes? You look like a rube. A well scrubbed, hustling rube with a little taste.

(condescendingly looks down upon her)

 Good nutrition's given you some length of bone, but you're not more than one generation from poor white trash, are you, Agent Starling? And that accent you've tried so desperately to shed: pure West Virginia. What is your father, dear? Is he a coal miner? Does he stink of the lamp? You know how quickly the boys found you... all those tedious sticky fumblings in the back seats of cars... while you could only dream of getting out... getting anywhere... getting all the way to the FBI.

  1. Describe the subtext (what the character’s thinking/doing on camera--should be one good pose--key pose/story-telling pose)

  2. Email yourself your performance, open in AE to get image sequence (ref.{###].jpg) and wav file

  3. Begin Blocking using (stepped tangents) avoid “apeing” (over-posing), push past the reference (exaggerate poses), add natural contra posto--GET HERE BY TUES, WE’LL FINISH FOR THURS


  1. Add breakdowns

  2. Add in-betweens

  3. Splining

  4. refining/offset

Ice Age Progression Reel:


Leon Tanlim:


Griffin Jordan:  

Now I don’t want you to protest, I don’t want you to riot, I don’t want you to write to your congressman because I wouldn’t know what to tell you to write. I don’t know what to do about the Russians and the inflation and the crime in the streets. All I know is that, first, YOU’VE GOT TO GET MAD! YOU GOTTA SAY “I’M A HUMAN BEING GODDAMNIT! MY LIFE HAS VALUE!” 


Alexander Costa: 

I'm not finished!

Anger, and defiance. Looks straight and with posture

 As I came in here, 

Points at the door while keeping eye contact 

I heard those words,

Points to the ear and tilts head

 "cradle of leadership." 

Cradles while moving back 

Well, when the bough breaks,

Postures up and regains eye contact 

 the cradle will fall. 

Steps again forward and points down

And it has fallen here;

Postures up while point down

 it has fallen.

Sinks forward from position 


Elizabeth Arroyo:


(Character looks on with confusion, scratching side the back of their head)

A gun rack? 

(Stops scratching and points hand)

A gun rack? 

(Places hands on hips)

I don't even own a gun,

(Character motions both hands at “a gun”

 let alone many guns 

(Arms widen at “Many guns”

that would necessitate an entire rack.
(Circulates arms at “Entire rack”)


Cori Winters:
I think he’s lost his mind,
(Character making hand gestures near his head) 

but, hey, he writes the checks.

(Character shrugs)

 But I tell you what, if one more of these pipes burst, I’m outta here.
(steps forward, gesturing with hand, throws hand back over his shoulder)


Brandon Garcia:


I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you're looking for

 (Character yells in panic)

ransom, I can tell you I don't have money but what I do have are a very particular

(Character lowers voice and talks extremely fast trying to catch his breath)

set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a 

(Character catches breathe and talks more slowly)

nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that will be the end

(Character swallows saliva then gives long intimidating gaze)

 of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for

(Leans back with conviction putting weight on one foot and stares)

 you, I will find you and I will kill you.

(Spine chilling lean forward then soft aggressive steps; gentle/serious talking turns into quiet whisper)


Declan McInerney: Scene from American Psycho

In 87,

Turns on Radio

Huey released this,

Dramatic point at radio

Fore! Their most accomplished album

I think their undisputed masterpiece is 

Hand waving

Hip to be square

Dance moves

A song so catchy most people don’t listen to the lyrics

Finger pointing

But they should!


Add link to finished monologue assignment below:


Griffin Jordan:

Alexander Costa: 


Brandon Garcia:



I don't know who you are. I don't know what you want. If you're looking for

 (Character yells in panic)

ransom, I can tell you I don't have money but what I do have are a very particular

(Character lowers voice and talks extremely fast trying to catch his breath)

set of skills. Skills I have acquired over a very long career. Skills that make me a 

(Character catches breathe and talks more slowly)

nightmare for people like you. If you let my daughter go now, that will be the end

(Character swallows saliva then gives long intimidating gaze)

 of it. I will not look for you, I will not pursue you. But if you don't, I will look for

(Leans back with conviction putting weight on one foot and stares)

 you, I will find you and I will kill you.

(Spine chilling lean forward then soft aggressive steps; gentle/serious talking turns into quiet whisper)


Cori Winters:

I think he’s lost his mind,
(Character making hand gestures near his head) 

but, hey, he writes the checks.

(Character shrugs)

 But I tell you what, if one more of these pipes burst, I’m outta here.
(steps forward, gesturing with hand, throws hand back over his shoulder)


Declan McInerney:

In 87,

Turns on Radio

Huey released this,

Dramatic point at radio

Fore! Their most accomplished album

I think their undisputed masterpiece is 

Hand waving

Hip to be square

Dance moves

A song so catchy most people don’t listen to the lyrics

Finger pointing

But they should!


Joseph Mackowiak:

“Are you not entertained?”

Lifts arms in a ‘well what is it’ fashion then lowers them

“Are you not entertained?”

Walks fast while raising arms again

“Is this not why you are here?”

Slowly lowers arms

Throws sword to ground, spits, then storms off


Leon Tanlim:

(subject to change)

Beneath this mask, there is more than flesh. 

Stumbling and holds face

Beneath this mask, there is an idea, Mr Creedy... 

More Stumbling

and Ideas are Bulletproof.

Stops and puts hand on chest


Juan Valdez:


But being this is a .44 Magnum, the most powerful handgun in the world and would blow your head clean off, you've gotta ask yourself one question: "Do I feel lucky?" Well, do ya, punk?


Week 6--Lip Sync

Watch slow mo!

1)we see--eyes dart first, then head, then body follows

2) we process

3) we react



  1. Blink

  2. Mouth Open--original

  3. Ooh

  4. Brow raise

  5. Mouth closed

Tongue--use bend deformer


For Tuesday --rig up your faces


For Thursday (10 pts)

  1. Pick a clip (with similar parameters as last time)

  2. Get reference from actor

  3. Shoot your own

  4. Import wav into maya

  5. Animate in layers (big picture first down to fingertips)--body sync is always more important than lips (focus attention to the performance)

  6. Start with the root (pelvis), move up the spine, neck, arms, etc.

  7. When ready with the face (set to neutral--closed mouth), start with the jaw--use multiple axes to achieve interesting asymmetry, add keyframes, then push them back by two

  8. Play with tongue on (refer to preston blair phonemes) and teeth

  9. Add oohs

  10. Add blinks (blendshapes should be splined, rotations (eyes dart in a linear fashion--quick movements and holds)



Alexander Costa; 

Brandon Garcia:

Griffin Jordan:

Declan McInerney:

Joseph Mackowiak:

Elizabeth Arroyo: 

Shoot personal reference, parent eyeball to bone, hide joints, animate that face

Elizabeth Resubmit:


Cori Winters:

Leon Tanlim:


Final Project 100 pts--Critique 

attendance MANDATORY

Last day for re-submissions: 

At least 3 shots/camera decisions 


Utilize any and all techniques we’ve discussed

Must incorporate sound sync

Must utilize some reference (along the way)

Demonstrate the 12 principles of animation

You don’t need to render, just a high quality playblast

Need lights, materials, AO, and motion blur, multi-sample anti-aliasing, turned on in your viewport 2.0 renderview, subscribe to good playblast etiquette 


Each class you can receive up to 10 “soft points” (60 pts) showing progress:


  1. Short script? dialogue?

  2. Animatic--thumbnails timed out?

  3. Assets generated, props, environment

  4. Rigs

  5. Blocked out the whole film, show me, move on to breakdowns--show me, etc.

  6. have a plan--1 shot per week in 3 weeks remaining


~5 shots, min 20-30s, properly formatted, roughly answering the following:

a) who is your character? (more than just a name) 1 pt

b) what interrupts their routine? 1 pt

c) how do they meet this obstacle/conflict? 1 pt

d) set up an expectation 1 pt

e) upturn our expectation 1 pt

f)  aesthetic—clarity of drawings, appeal (gray scale only) 1 pt

g) technical—varies shot types (LS, MS, XCU, etc.) and utilizes depth and camera angles, good pacing 1 pt

h) sound—utilizes diegetic, non-diegetic, dynamics, ambience, bridging 1 pt

i)  social—is the piece artistically engaging and personal, making interesting socio-political content? Does it speak on deeper metaphoric levels? 1 pt

j)  Does it answer the question: why animation? Why not film? 1 pt


Classic college clichés to avoid:

 1) The wake up scene, class canceled or I’m late for the plane flight

2) It was all a dream/bad trip

3) A film about not having a good idea

4) Zombies

5) Superheroes


I’ve observed in 20 years of teaching that these clichés tend to break down along gender lines (don’t succumb to your biological/social tendencies—the artist resists the expected)


Ladies tend to minimize conflict and forget the fantastic (little girls are socially conditioned to play house in anticipation of “reality”)

1) The proposal, relationship slideshow at a wedding (make sure actual time is no more than 3 hours--remember cinema compresses time)

2) Balloons/paper planes move  through the city

3) Flowers grow

4) coffee shop--immediate infatuation


Gentlemen tend to ignore the introduction and resolution, jumping straight into conflict with no connection to the personal (little boys do everything they can to avoid “reality” with fantasy and sci-fi play):

1) The Fight Scene (don’t try it—too hard, you’re competing with Hollywood and video games

2) The bank robbery (unless you’ve robbed a bank, you’re not qualified)

3) Sports, Martial arts (you know how hard it is to make one character move and one ball bounce)

4) Everyone dies (not a satisfying resolution)

5) The alien abduction (I get this one every quarter)

6) The fan film (don’t make anything about Mario unless Nintendo is paying you to do so—now’s the time to showcase your own ideas)


You have until the last week of classes to turn in late projects for technical assignments.

For shot submissions, there are no resubmissions this is to show progress,receive feedback, and affirm academic integrity.  They are mandatory for consideration of your grade for the final 


Animation exercises to show in films/reels:


Shorts of Note:


Fest by Nikita Diakur -


Pre-final progress:

Brandon Garcia: (lip sync/camera angles/and lights left to do)


Place your FINALS HERE (link to youtube):


Leon Tanlim:

Notes: Answer “why the cycle”, more animation principles(facial)

Cori Winters:

Griffin Jordan:

Declan McInerney:

Critique notes: 


Brandon Garcia:

Elizabeth Arroyo: 

Alexander Costa: 

Joseph Mackowiak:

Juan Valdez:


School policies:

Changes to Syllabus

This syllabus is subject to change as necessary during the quarter. If a change occurs, it will be thoroughly addressed during class, posted under Announcements in D2L and sent via email.

Online Course Evaluations

Evaluations are a way for students to provide valuable feedback regarding their instructor and the course. Detailed feedback will enable the instructor to continuously tailor teaching methods and course content to meet the learning goals of the course and the academic needs of the students. They are a requirement of the course and are key to continue to provide you with the highest quality of teaching. The evaluations are anonymous; the instructor and administration do not track who entered what responses. A program is used to check if the student completed the evaluations, but the evaluation is completely separate from the student’s identity. Since 100% participation is our goal, students are sent periodic reminders over three weeks. Students do not receive reminders once they complete the evaluation. Students complete the evaluation online in CampusConnect.

Academic Integrity and Plagiarism

This course will be subject to the university's academic integrity policy. More information can be found at If you have any questions be sure to consult with your professor.

All students are expected to abide by the University's Academic Integrity Policy which prohibits cheating and other misconduct in student coursework. Publicly sharing or posting online any prior or current materials from this course (including exam questions or answers), is considered to be providing unauthorized assistance prohibited by the policy. Both students who share/post and students who access or use such materials are considered to be cheating under the Policy and will be subject to sanctions for violations of Academic Integrity.

Academic Policies

All students are required to manage their class schedules each term in accordance with the deadlines for enrolling and withdrawing as indicated in the University Academic Calendar. Information on enrollment, withdrawal, grading and incompletes can be found at

Students with Disabilities

Students who feel they may need an accommodation based on the impact of a disability should contact the instructor privately to discuss their specific needs. All discussions will remain confidential.
To ensure that you receive the most appropriate accommodation based on your needs, contact the instructor as early as possible in the quarter (preferably within the first week of class), and make sure that you have contacted the Center for Students with Disabilities (CSD) at:
Lewis Center 1420, 25 East Jackson Blvd.
Phone number: (312)362-8002
Fax: (312)362-6544
TTY: (773)325.7296