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Course Subject:
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Film and TV Creative Producing
Computer Science
Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering
Cybersecurity Training
Digital Cinema
Digital Media Arts
Film and Television Documentary
Data Science
E-Commerce Technology
Experience Design
Film and Television Production
Game Development
Graphic Design
Computer Graphics and Motion Technology
Human Centered Design
Human-Computer Interaction
Health Information Technology
Industrial Design
Interactive Media
Interdisciplinary Design
Information Systems
Information Technology
Liberal Studies Program
Network Technologies
Project Management
Film and Television Post-Production
Study Abroad Program
Film and TV Screenwriting
Software Engineering
User Experience Design
Visual Effects
Course Number*:
e.g. 309
Course Location:
All Campuses
Online Campus
Loop Campus
Lincoln Park Campus
Lake Forest Campus
Rolling Meadows Campus
Cinespace Chicago Film Studios Campus
Study Abroad
Off Campus
Faculty Name:
All Faculty
Aaron, Ilisa
Abid, Ahmed
Abotteen, Shukri
Abu-Salem, Hani
Abusini, Ahmad
Adams, Victor
Adelakun, Olayele
Akiyoshi, Shiro
Ali, Zahin
Alizadeh, Vahid
Allemand, Edward
Alonzo, Oliver
Alqadar, Ambarien
Alvino, Frank
Amini, Sajad
Andrews, Brian
Andrus, Gary
Anthropy, Anna
Aronovich, Victor
Artes, Meghann
Bader, Atef
Bakken, JJ
Banerjee, Aritro
Barbosa, Veronica
Barcy, Lisa
Barnes, Edward
Barry, Sal
Bartholomew, Chris
Bartos, Sam
Bass, Rachel
Beckfield, Merri
Bedell, Paul
Bell, Devin
Benjamin, Joel
Bennett, Casey
Berry, Lauren
Berthiaume, Andre
Besana, GianMario
Besser, Stephanie
Biagi, Pete
Boratyn, James
Boyce, Jennifer
Bozeman, Kevin
Brennan, Jacqueline
Brown, Samuel
Brown, Eli
Buchholz, Dale
Burnham, Jef
Burns, David
Buscani, Lisa
Bush, Sean
Cadilhac, Michaël
Cagnolatti, Kevin
Calascibetta, David
Calfee, Liliane
Callighan, Elliot
Camardella, Andrew
Cannici, Joseph
Carl, Ross
Carrion, Jeffrey
Carroll, Dustin
Carroll, Cory
Carter, Michele
Castro Herrera, Carlos
Chan, Susy
Chandler, Travis
Chapman, Dale
Chase, Michael
Check, Trynn
Choi, James
Chou, Marco
Chung, Anthony
Ciocci, Jacob
Clarke, Mary Ruth
Coken, Cory
Collins, Iain
Condit, Taylor
Confer, Ellis
Connelly, Shayna
Correa, Mikhaela
Cortes, Juan
Creadon, Kaitlin
Crider, Samuel
Crockett, Ward
Cuciurean-Zapan, Marta
Dark, Melissa
Daugherty, Jenny
Davidson, MJ
Davila, Kenny
Day, Beth
DeAnda, Michael
DeLattre, Steven
Dellabetta, Brian
Desai, Amish
Dettori, Lucia
Devaney, Ed
DeWitt, Nathan
Dhanapalan, Biju
Dippe, Mark
DiUbaldo, Steve
DiVito, Claire
Dodson, Shelley
Doremus, Fenella
Douros, Kenneth
Dragon, Steve
Dudlo, Matthew
Duffield, Travis
Dumiak, Roman
Durepos, Drew
Duszak, Paul
El Rassi, Toufic
Elliott, Clark
Ellison, Jennifer
Eltanal, Ronald
Endres, Kevin
Engelhardt, Steven
Enstrom, James
Epp, Helmut
Erby, Roderick
Fang, Xiaowen
Farzaneh, Naghmeh
Felker, Lori
Ferdinand, Lee
Ferguson, Brian
Fisher, John
Flores, Michael
Fons, Rebecca
Foster, James
Foster, LeRoy
Fredericks, Eric
Furst, Jacob
Gaffney, Angie
Gao, Adam
Gemmell, Jonathan
Ghahramani, Fereshteh
Gibson, Nico
Glass, Karen
Goelzhaeuser, Nicola
Goetsch, Mark
Gold, Susan
Gomez-Mesquita, Laura
Goodwin, Chelsea
Gordon, Gerald
Gough, Chad
Green, Kyle
Greenberg, Brian
Griffin, Dionna
Griggs, Jeff
Grossman, Anthony
Gulasingam, Nandhini
Guthrie, Lesley
Habich, David
Haley, Ryan
Hall, Ken
Halpern, Megan
Hampikian, Daniel
Hanschke, Christina
Harki, Ben
Harr, Henry
Harrig, Cynthia
Harwood, Kimberly
Hasan, Riyad
Hassan, Mofak
Hastings, Peter
Heart, Karen
Hecktman, Adam
Hersemann, Ross
Hey, Jonathan
Hield, Christopher
Hill, Jodi
Holmes, Lisa
Hopkins, Jason
Hovde, Matthew
Hozian, Anna
Huang, Zhen
Hubbard, David
Hurley, Kevin
Huzaifa, Muhammad Umer
Infusino, Gwendolyn
Jackson, Miles
Jagadeesan, Radha
James, Steven
Jankovic, Uros
Jankowski, Adam
Jevitz, Samuel
Jia, Xiaoping
Johnson, Ronan
Johnson, Nathan
Johnson, Brian
Jones, Josh
Jones, Danyell
Jones, Christopher
Jost, Steve
Juhász, Dana
Kakkar, Shivangi
Kalayta, Dolores
Kalin, Martin
Kalis, Chris
Kanj, Iyad
Katzer, Derek
Kaufman, Anthony
Keenan, Edward
Kessentini, Wael
Khalid, Mariyam
Khan, Mohammed
Khan, Brian
Kharaz, Vladimir
Kim, DJ
King, Jess
Kinnett, Seth
Klass, Jes
Kleban, Krista
Klein, Daniel
Kliment, Jeffrey
Knight, Linda
Kniss, Stephen
Koch, Nathan
Kodippili Arachchige, Dimuthu
Koenig, Ian
Kolodenko, Robert
Konow, Bob
Koonce, Emily
Korpan, Lisa
Kras, Carolyn
Kravitz, Daniel
Kuan, George
Kumar, Rajeev
Kumming, Benjamin
Kupper, Dana
Labruyere, Jean-Philippe
Lakhani, Karim
Lancaster, Glenn
Larios, Roberto
Lauterbach, Matthew
Lawrenz, Melissa
Leather, Chris
Lee, David
Lee, Daniel
Leeper, Moira
Lenard, Ben
Leonelli, Nadia
Lepetic, Vladimir
Lessman, Marissa
Lew, Gavin
Liang, Chung
Liberacki, Eric
Life, Travis
Linker, Edwin
Llanas, Cassie
Lockhart, Amy
Lombardo, Anthony
Lopez, Brandon
Lorden, Kathleen
Lubischer, Alex
Lulis, Evelyn
Lustgarten, Kurt
Lyons, Stewart
Madsen, Lee
Malik, Tanu
Marrero, Wilfredo
Marsden, Matthew
Marsh, Eric
Mason, Rachael
Mattei, Todd
Matteson, Nathan
McDonald, John
McGee, Martha
McLaughlin, Phillip
Meijer, Danielle
Mellen, Brian
Mendeloff, Todd
Mendelsohn, Yosef
Menet, Marc
Meng, Brandon
Merideth, Joseph
Meyers, Will
Miller, Craig
Miller, David
Mirza, Zoaib
Mitchell, Michael
Mitsch, Stefan
Mobasher, Bamshad
Modie, Alex
Moncrief, Robyn
Moore, Cheech
Moreno, Robert
Moreno, Sal
Mroz, Kenneth
Mueller, Charles
Muscarella, John
Myers, Scott
Myers, Charles
Nacu, Denise
Nakayama, Makoto
Nash, Raphael
Naughton, Kevin
Nauman, Muhammad
Newell, Jack
Nookala, Poornima
Novak, Gary
Nowotarski, James
O'Brien, Margaret
O'Brien, Katherine
O'Connell, Molly Colleen
O'Donnell, Brian
O'Donoghue, Siobhan
O'Haver, Thomas
O'Keefe, Connor
O'Shaughnessy, John
Olsen, Kaia
Omelina, Mary
Orhean, Alexandru
Oteafy, Sharief
Otterbacher, John
Owen, Aaron
Page, Emily
Pahwa, Suruchi
Pal, Daniel
Panchal, Rohan
Paritsis, Savvas
Parker, Brandy
Parrish, Christopher
Parsa, Salman
Pasquesi, Giancarlo
Patel, Harmony
Paulett, John
Peraza Ayala, Eliécer
Perkovic, Ljubomir
Peternel, Timothy
Phillips, Joseph
Phillips, Michael
Pianko, Krzysztof
Pikus, Ryan
Pitcher, Corin
Plante, Abby
Psathas, John
Puccinelli, Robert
Putnam, Cynthia
Qamar, Nafees
Quinn, Matthew
Quinn, Heather
Raidl, Barbara
Ramaraj, Thiru
Ramsay, David
Rana, Anuradha
Rasin, Alexander
Ratiu, Ramona Ioana
Raziuddin, Sultan
Razvi, Kumail
Reeder, Andy
Rey, Kristin
Riddell, Brad
Riely, James
Roberts, Scott
Robinson, Brenda
Roche, Andrew
Roddy, Bernard
Roderweiss, Wendy
Rodman, Erin
Rogala, Jon
Rogers, John
Roscoe, Jennifer
Rosen, Phillip
Rubinow, Steve
Rudawski, Arianna
Salahieh, Rami
Samba, Fatou
Sampson, Ovetta
Sanda, Benjamin
Sanders, Samantha
Sandri, Jason
Sandy, Mary
Savage, Catharine
Saweh, Paul
Schaefer, Marcus
Schmidt, Nick
Schmidt, Sarah
Schrank, Brian
Schray, Martin
Schuller, Heinz
Schulz, Michael
Schumann, Emily
Schwabe, Eric
Scope, Nicholas
Scott, Kris
Seals, Eric
Sedgwick, Eric
Settimi-Woods, Raffaella
Settle, Amber
Shah-Brandenburg, Twisha
Shallenberg, Christine
Sharevski, Filipo
Sharpe, Jeffrey
Shemanske, Kenneth
Sheppo, Matthew
Sherman, Alexander
Shim, Iris
Siasi, Nazli
Sieren, David
Sliga, Robert
Smeets, Adam
Smetek, Dominika
Smith, Michael
Smith, Becca
Smith, David
Socki, Steve
Solomon DiUbaldo, Alexandra
Solorzano, Christian
Soto, Jose
Soulakis, Nicholas
Sourati, Jamshid
Sowa, Andrew
Spates, Erica
Spears, Janine
Spicer, Sam
Spyropoulos, Haroula
Stan Raicu, Daniela
Standberry-Wallace, Miranda
Stanford, Daniel
Stanley, Brandon
Stasiulis, Andrew
Steel, Robert
Steele, Adam
Steigmann, Jay
Steinbach, Theresa
Stidham, Lindsay
Stillwell, Jack
Suffredin, Susanne
Sutcliffe, Norma
Svidovsky, Irena
Sweeney, DB
Sweis, Davie
Tang, Jay
Tchoua, Roselyne
Thomas, Noelle
Tinder, Jeremy
Tiouririne, Nedjla
Tomuro, Noriko
Ton That, Dai Hai
Torres, Naeema
Tran, Lien
Tran, Jerry
Trecka, Paloma
Treebridge, Paige
Trepp, Selina
Trigoso, Alejandra
Tsapara, Irene
Turner, Allen
Ulaszek, Jason
Ustun, Ilyas
Valenciana, Erika
Vargas, Estrella
Vasserman, Alexander
Velkoski, Aleksandar
Wagner, LeAnne
Walker, Marci
Wanbli, Ava
Wang, Yiyang (Ian)
Wanka, Joseph
Wargo, Laura
Westbrook, Jess
Wetzel, Richard
Wickboldt, Kurt
Wilkins, April
Wilson, Van
Wimp, Patrick
Wise, Keely
Wolfe, Rosalee
Wolff, Josh
Xu, Vivian
Yanek, Don
Yin, Chi Jang
Yolk, Bex
Youngberg, Craig
Yu, Ken
Yu, James
Zacharias, Steven
Zahm, Brian
Zakas, Paul
Zaretsky, David
Zelenak, Lee
Zhang, Chonghua
Zielinski, JoAnne
Zimmerman, Guy
Zlotucha, Ben
Zoko, Anthony
Course Quarter:
All Quarters
Summer I
Summer II
Summer 10 week
Dec Intersession
Grad Dec Intercession
All Years
* Supports wildcard search using '*'
Winter 2024-2025
Animation for Non-Majors (ANI 101 - 201)
Selina Trepp
Animation for Non-Majors (ANI 101 - 202)
Selina Trepp
Animation for Non-Majors (ANI 101 - 501)
Jason Sandri
Animation for Non-Majors (ANI 101 - 503)
Samuel Crider
After Effects Workshop (ANI 150 - 501)
Jason Sandri
After Effects Workshop (ANI 150 - 502)
Jason Sandri
Animation I (ANI 201 - 501)
Jason Sandri
Animation I (ANI 201 - 502)
Jacqueline Brennan
History of Animation (ANI 206 - 503)
Jacqueline Brennan
Storyboarding I (ANI 220 - 502)
Iain Collins
3D Design and Modeling (ANI 230 - 504)
Samuel Crider
3D Animation (ANI 231 - 502)
Jacqueline Brennan
Sound Design for Animation (ANI 315 - 801)
Giancarlo Pasquesi
Storyboarding II (ANI 324 - 501)
Iain Collins
Storyboarding II (ANI 465 - 501)
Iain Collins
Sound Design for Animation (ANI 481 - 801)
Giancarlo Pasquesi
Graduate Teaching Seminar (ANI 560 - 801)
Wendy Roderweiss
Film and TV Creative Producing
Introduction to Film Scheduling and Budgeting (CP 320 - 501)
Van Wilson
The Fundamentals of Pre Production (CP 340 - 801)
Angie Gaffney
Distribution and Exhibition (CP 382 - 801)
Nicola Goelzhaeuser
Pre-Production for Producers (CP 440 - 860)
Nadia Leonelli
Pre-Production for Producers (CP 440 - 801)
Angie Gaffney
Distribution and Exhibition (CP 482 - 801)
Nicola Goelzhaeuser
Creative Producing Thesis II (CP 512 - 860)
Cory Carroll
Computer Science
Ethics in Technology (CSC 208 - 530)
Evelyn Lulis
Ethics in Technology (CSC 208 - 520)
Evelyn Lulis
Ethics in Technology (CSC 208 - 502)
John Paulett
Codes and Ciphers (CSC 233 - 501)
Marcus Schaefer
Codes and Ciphers (CSC 233 - 510)
Marcus Schaefer
Introduction to Computer Science I (CSC 241 - 501)
Don Yanek
Introduction to Computer Science I (CSC 241 - 504)
Amber Settle
Introduction to Computer Science I (CSC 241 - 504L)
Amber Settle
Introduction to Computer Science I (CSC 241 - 505)
Don Yanek
Introduction to Computer Science II (CSC 242 - 501)
Anthony Zoko
Introduction to Computer Science II (CSC 242 - 502)
Adam Hecktman
Introduction to Computer Science II (CSC 242 - 504)
Amber Settle
Introduction to Computer Science II (CSC 242 - 502L)
Adam Hecktman
Introduction to Computer Science II (CSC 242 - 504L)
Amber Settle
Introduction to Computer Science II (CSC 242 - 506)
Adam Hecktman
Introduction to Computer Science II (CSC 242 - 506L)
Adam Hecktman
Introduction to Computer Science II (CSC 242 - 507)
Jennifer Roscoe
Introduction to Computer Science II (CSC 242 - 507L)
Jennifer Roscoe
Introduction to Computer Science II (CSC 242 - 505)
Brandon Meng
Data Structures I (CSC 300 - 801)
Eric Fredericks
Data Structures I (CSC 300 - 810)
Eric Fredericks
Data Structures I (CSC 300 - 503)
Radha Jagadeesan
Data Structures I (CSC 300 - 512)
Radha Jagadeesan
Design and Analysis of Algorithms (CSC 321 - 510)
Salman Parsa
Design and Analysis of Algorithms (CSC 321 - 501)
Salman Parsa
Design and Analysis of Algorithms (CSC 321 - 502)
Salman Parsa
Design and Analysis of Algorithms (CSC 321 - 511)
Salman Parsa
Concepts of Programming Languages (CSC 347 - 501)
Stefan Mitsch
Concepts of Programming Languages (CSC 347 - 510)
Stefan Mitsch
Concepts of Programming Languages (CSC 347 - 502)
George Kuan
Concepts of Programming Languages (CSC 347 - 511)
George Kuan
Database Systems (CSC 355 - 530)
George Kuan
Database Systems (CSC 355 - 501)
George Kuan
Database Systems (CSC 355 - 502)
Eliécer Peraza Ayala
Database Systems (CSC 355 - 531)
Eliécer Peraza Ayala
Computer Systems I (CSC 373 - 502)
Zhen Huang
Computer Systems I (CSC 373 - 511)
Zhen Huang
Computer Systems I (CSC 373 - 801)
Poornima Nookala
Computer Systems I (CSC 373 - 810)
Poornima Nookala
Distributed Systems (CSC 376 - 501)
Ben Lenard
Distributed Systems (CSC 376 - 510)
Ben Lenard
Introduction to Digital Image Processing (CSC 381 - 801)
Kenny Davila
Introduction to Digital Image Processing (CSC 381 - 841)
Kenny Davila
Introduction to Digital Image Processing (CSC 381 - 841)
Kenny Davila
Ethics in Artificial Intelligence (CSC 384 - 520)
Peter Hastings
Software Projects (CSC 394 - 802)
Mariyam Khalid
Discrete Structures for Computer Science (CSC 400 - 802)
Vladimir Lepetic
Discrete Structures for Computer Science (CSC 400 - 811)
Vladimir Lepetic
Introduction to Programming (CSC 401 - 820)
Dolores Kalayta
Data Structures I (CSC 402 - 801)
Brian O'Donnell
Data Structures I (CSC 402 - 841)
Brian O'Donnell
Data Structures II (CSC 403 - 801)
Radha Jagadeesan
Data Structures II (CSC 403 - 841)
Radha Jagadeesan
Data Structures II (CSC 403 - 841)
Radha Jagadeesan
Tools and Techniques for Computational Analysis (CSC 412 - 801)
Vladimir Lepetic
Tools and Techniques for Computational Analysis (CSC 412 - 810)
Vladimir Lepetic
Applied Algorithms and Structures (CSC 421 - 801)
Marcus Schaefer
Applied Algorithms and Structures (CSC 421 - 841)
Marcus Schaefer
Applied Algorithms and Structures (CSC 421 - 841)
Marcus Schaefer
Applied Algorithms and Structures (CSC 421 - 802)
Salman Parsa
Applied Algorithms and Structures (CSC 421 - 811)
Salman Parsa
Data Analysis and Regression (DSC 423 - 811)
Samuel Brown
Distributed Systems I (CSC 435 - 801)
Alexandru Orhean
Distributed Systems I (CSC 435 - 841)
Alexandru Orhean
Distributed Systems I (CSC 435 - 841)
Alexandru Orhean
Distributed Systems I (CSC 435 - 802)
Alexandru Orhean
Distributed Systems I (CSC 435 - 811)
Alexandru Orhean
Introduction to Image Processing (CSC 481 - 801)
Kenny Davila
Introduction to Image Processing (CSC 481 - 841)
Kenny Davila
Introduction to Image Processing (CSC 481 - 841)
Kenny Davila
Ethics in Artificial Intelligence (CSC 484 - 520)
Peter Hastings
Recommender Systems (CSC 577 - 810)
Kenny Davila
Recommender Systems (CSC 577 - 801)
Kenny Davila
Artificial Intelligence II (CSC 580 - 801)
Noriko Tomuro
Artificial Intelligence II (CSC 580 - 810)
Noriko Tomuro
Cyber-Physical Systems Engineering
Networking for Cyber-Physical Systems (CSE 314 - 801)
Sharief Oteafy
Cybersecurity Orientation (CSEC 100 - 501)
Ryan Haley
Cybersecurity Technologies Overview (CSEC 101 - 501)
Ryan Haley
Legal, Ethical and Social Issues in Information Security (CSEC 228 - 801)
Brian Greenberg
Computer Forensic and Incident Response (CSEC 320 - 820)
Corin Pitcher
Fundamentals of Information Assurance (CSEC 340 - 501)
Nazli Siasi
Cybersecurity Operations (CSEC 342 - 830)
Samuel Jevitz
Cybersecurity Operations (CSEC 342 - 810)
Samuel Jevitz
Host Based Security (CSEC 378 - 830)
Kevin Naughton
Host Based Security (CSEC 378 - 810)
Kevin Naughton
Advanced Cybersecurity Automation (CSEC 380 - 801)
Kurt Wickboldt
Introduction to Host Security (CSEC 418 - 830)
Kevin Naughton
Introduction to Host Security (CSEC 418 - 810)
Kevin Naughton
Information Security Management (CSEC 440 - 801)
Andy Reeder
Information Security Management (CSEC 440 - 810)
Andy Reeder
Digital Forensic Techniques (CSEC 450 - 820)
Corin Pitcher
Governance Policies in Information Assurance (CSEC 477 - 801)
Andy Reeder
Governance Policies in Information Assurance (CSEC 477 - 810)
Andy Reeder
Cybersecurity Automation Operations (CSEC 480 - 801)
Kurt Wickboldt
Film and Television Documentary
Documentary Production I (DOC 224 - 503)
Susanne Suffredin
Editing the Documentary (DOC 312 - 801)
Susanne Suffredin
Documentary Cinematography (DOC 352 - 501)
Dana Kupper
Documentary Law and Ethics (DOC 372 - 501)
Fenella Doremus
Editing the Documentary (DOC 412 - 801)
Susanne Suffredin
Documentary Cinematography (DOC 452 - 501)
Dana Kupper
Documentary Law and Ethics (DOC 472 - 501)
Fenella Doremus
Data Science
Data Visualization (DSC 365 - 801)
Jodi Hill
Data Analysis and Regression (DSC 423 - 802)
Samuel Brown
Data Visualization (DSC 465 - 801)
Jodi Hill
Human Centered Design
Designing Learning Experiences (EXP 441 - 801)
Denise Nacu
Film and Television Production
Introduction to Cinema: The Art of Making Movies (FILM 100 - 220)
James Boratyn
Foundations of Cinema for Majors (FILM 101 - 503)
James Boratyn
Foundations of Cinema for Majors (FILM 101 - 501)
Eric Marsh
Foundations of Cinema for Majors (FILM 101 - 502)
Robert Puccinelli
Foundations of Cinema for Majors (FILM 101 - 504)
Robert Puccinelli
Foundations of Television (FILM 105 - 504)
Ben Zlotucha
Cinema Production I for Majors (FILM 110 - 504)
Samantha Sanders
Cinema Production I for Majors (FILM 110 - 504)
Samantha Sanders
Cinema Production I for Majors (FILM 110 - 504L)
Samantha Sanders
Cinema Production I for Majors (FILM 110 - 503)
Samantha Sanders
Cinema Production I for Majors (FILM 110 - 503)
Samantha Sanders
Cinema Production I for Majors (FILM 110 - 503L)
Samantha Sanders
Television Production I (FILM 115 - 501)
Martha McGee
Television Production I (FILM 115 - 502)
Martha McGee
Television Production I (FILM 115 - 503)
Drew Durepos
Television Production I (FILM 115 - 504)
Martha McGee
History of Cinema Production (FILM 131 - 502L)
Eric Marsh
History of Cinema Production (FILM 131 - 502)
Eric Marsh
History of Cinema Production (FILM 131 - 511)
Eric Marsh
Digital Still Photography for Non-Majors (FILM 165 - 501)
Robert Puccinelli
Digital Still Photography for Non-Majors (FILM 165 - 510)
Robert Puccinelli
Digital Still Photography for Non-Majors (FILM 165 - 801)
Travis Chandler
Digital Still Photography for Non-Majors (FILM 165 - 810)
Travis Chandler
Ethics in Computer Games and Cinema (FILM 228 - 521)
Siobhan O'Donoghue
Ethics in Computer Games and Cinema (FILM 228 - 520)
Siobhan O'Donoghue
Cinematography I (FILM 250 - 501)
Estrella Vargas
Cinematography I (FILM 250 - 501)
Estrella Vargas
Cinematography I (FILM 250 - 502)
Estrella Vargas
Cinematography I (FILM 250 - 502)
Estrella Vargas
Cinematography I (FILM 250 - 504)
Dana Kupper
Cinematography I (FILM 250 - 504)
Dana Kupper
Cinematography I (FILM 250 - 802)
Estrella Vargas
Cinematography I (FILM 250 - 802)
Estrella Vargas
Visual Design (FILM 279 - 501)
Drew Durepos
Directing II: Casting and Rehearsing (FILM 284 - 502)
Beth Day
Internship in Media Production/Post-Production (FILM 298 - 801)
Brad Riddell
Internships in Media and Design (Non-El) (FILM 299 - 801)
Brad Riddell
Live Event/Talk TV Workshop (FILM 319 - 501)
Wendy Roderweiss
Lighting I (FILM 355 - 501)
Jerry Tran
Lighting I (FILM 355 - 501)
Jerry Tran
Camera Workshop (FILM 358 - 801)
Cynthia Harrig
Camera Workshop (FILM 358 - 801)
Cynthia Harrig
Cinematography III (FILM 364 - 801)
Pete Biagi
Cinematography III (FILM 364 - 801)
Pete Biagi
Advanced Topics in Cinema (FILM 390 - 501)
Eric Marsh
Advanced Topics in Cinema (FILM 390 - 510)
Eric Marsh
Live Event/Talk TV Workshop (FILM 419 - 501)
Wendy Roderweiss
Fundamentals of Short Film (FILM 430 - 801)
Daniel Klein
Cinematography (FILM 450 - 801)
Pete Biagi
Cinematography (FILM 450 - 801)
Pete Biagi
Cinematography (FILM 450 - 802)
Pete Biagi
Cinematography (FILM 450 - 802)
Pete Biagi
Lighting I (FILM 455 - 501)
Jerry Tran
Lighting I (FILM 455 - 501)
Jerry Tran
Camera Workshop (FILM 458 - 801)
Cynthia Harrig
Camera Workshop (FILM 458 - 801)
Cynthia Harrig
Cinematography III (FILM 464 - 801)
Pete Biagi
Cinematography III (FILM 464 - 801)
Pete Biagi
Visual Design (FILM 479 - 801)
Drew Durepos
Directing the Short Motion Picture (FILM 487 - 801)
Wendy Roderweiss
Advanced Topics in Cinema (FILM 490 - 501)
Eric Marsh
Advanced Topics in Cinema (FILM 490 - 510)
Eric Marsh
Internships in Media and Design (FILM 499 - 801)
Brad Riddell
Internships in Media and Design (FILM 499 - 802)
Brad Riddell
Graduate Teaching Seminar (FILM 560 - 801)
Wendy Roderweiss
Game Development
Unity Workshop (GAM 181 - 501)
Emily Koonce
Games Literacy (GAM 205 - 501)
Anna Anthropy
Game Design for Non-Majors (GAM 224 - 801)
JJ Bakken
Game Design for Non-Majors (GAM 224 - 501)
Lien Tran
Fundamentals of Game Design (GAM 226 - 501)
Lien Tran
Ethics in Computer Games and Cinema (GAM 228 - 521)
Siobhan O'Donoghue
Ethics in Computer Games and Cinema (GAM 228 - 520)
Siobhan O'Donoghue
Intro to Game Production (GAM 230 - 540)
Jonathan Hey
Intro to Game Production (GAM 230 - 540)
Jonathan Hey
Playgramming (GAM 240 - 502)
Robert Moreno
Game Development I (GAM 244 - 501)
Richard Wetzel
Game Development II (GAM 245 - 501)
Ross Hersemann
The Business of Indie Games (GAM 334 - 501)
Ross Hersemann
Advanced Game Design (GAM 365 - 501)
Anna Anthropy
Rendering and Graphics Programming (GAM 370 - 801)
Andre Berthiaume
Rendering and Graphics Programming (GAM 370 - 841)
Andre Berthiaume
Rendering and Graphics Programming (GAM 370 - 841)
Andre Berthiaume
Game Engine Programming I (GAM 374 - 501)
Andre Berthiaume
Game Engine Programming I (GAM 374 - 541)
Andre Berthiaume
Game Engine Programming I (GAM 374 - 541)
Andre Berthiaume
Game Development Project II (GAM 395 - 501)
Allen Turner
Rendering and Graphics Programming (GAM 470 - 801)
Andre Berthiaume
Rendering and Graphics Programming (GAM 470 - 841)
Andre Berthiaume
Rendering and Graphics Programming (GAM 470 - 841)
Andre Berthiaume
Topics in Game Design (GAM 597 - 501)
Ross Hersemann
Graphic Design
Creative Studio Methods (GD 101 - 501)
Alex Modie
Web Design (GD 110 - 530)
Daniel Stanford
Typography in Motion (GD 231 - 801)
Kyle Green
Human-Computer Interaction
HCI Design Fundamentals I (HCI 412 - 801)
Krista Kleban
HCI Design Fundamentals I (HCI 412 - 810)
Krista Kleban
Foundations of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 450 - 801)
Peter Hastings
Foundations of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 450 - 841)
Peter Hastings
Foundations of Human-Computer Interaction (HCI 450 - 841)
Peter Hastings
Usability Evaluation Methods (HCI 460 - 801)
Kenneth Douros
Usability Evaluation Methods (HCI 460 - 841)
Kenneth Douros
Usability Evaluation Methods (HCI 460 - 841)
Kenneth Douros
HCI Design Fundamentals II (HCI 472 - 801)
Cynthia Putnam
HCI Design Fundamentals II (HCI 472 - 810)
Cynthia Putnam
Information Visualization and Infographics (HCI 512 - 810)
Cynthia Putnam
Survey Design and Analysis (HCI 541 - 801)
Craig Miller
Survey Design and Analysis (HCI 541 - 810)
Craig Miller
Human-Computer Interaction Capstone (HCI 594 - 801)
Joseph Wanka
Human-Computer Interaction Capstone (HCI 594 - 810)
Joseph Wanka
Health Information Technology
Introduction to Health Informatics (HIT 421 - 801)
Harmony Patel
Introduction to Health Informatics (HIT 421 - 810)
Harmony Patel
Healthcare Systems and Data (HIT 422 - 801)
Paul Zakas
Healthcare Systems and Data (HIT 422 - 810)
Paul Zakas
Public Health Informatics (HIT 517 - 820)
Stephanie Besser
History of Comics (ILL 206 - 501)
Toufic El Rassi
Making Comics (ILL 320 - 501)
Toufic El Rassi
Making Comics (ILL 420 - 501)
Toufic El Rassi
Information Systems
Analysis and Design Techniques (IS 215 - 520)
Theresa Steinbach
Enterprise Architecture (IS 324 - 810)
Rajeev Kumar
Enterprise Architecture (IS 324 - 801)
Rajeev Kumar
Introduction to Business Intelligence and Analytics Systems (IS 352 - 520)
Merri Beckfield
Systems for Cloud Computing and Big Data (IS 360 - 801)
Kenneth Mroz
Systems for Cloud Computing and Big Data (IS 360 - 810)
Kenneth Mroz
Information Systems Project (IS 376 - 802)
Mariyam Khalid
Enterprise Infrastructure (IS 424 - 810)
Rajeev Kumar
Enterprise Infrastructure (IS 424 - 801)
Rajeev Kumar
Enterprise Cloud Computing (Formerly Is 536) (IS 460 - 801)
Kenneth Mroz
Enterprise Cloud Computing (Formerly Is 536) (IS 460 - 810)
Kenneth Mroz
Enterprise Data Management (IS 550 - 820)
Merri Beckfield
Agile Enterprise Project Management (IS 556 - 801)
James Nowotarski
Agile Enterprise Project Management (IS 556 - 810)
James Nowotarski
Customer Relationship Management Technologies (IS 586 - 801)
Cheech Moore
Customer Relationship Management Technologies (IS 586 - 810)
Cheech Moore
Information Technology
Introduction to Computational Reasoning (IT 123 - 241)
MJ Davidson
Introduction to Computational Reasoning (IT 123 - 241)
MJ Davidson
Introduction to Computational Reasoning (IT 123 - 520)
Miles Jackson
Introduction to Computational Reasoning (IT 123 - 521)
Miles Jackson
Introduction to Computational Reasoning (IT 123 - 242)
MJ Davidson
Introduction to Computational Reasoning (IT 123 - 242)
MJ Davidson
Introduction to Computational Reasoning (IT 123 - 243)
Mofak Hassan
Introduction to Computational Reasoning (IT 123 - 243)
Mofak Hassan
Introduction to Computational Reasoning (IT 123 - 244)
Mofak Hassan
Introduction to Computational Reasoning (IT 123 - 244)
Mofak Hassan
Introduction to Computational Reasoning (IT 123 - 522)
Theresa Steinbach
Introduction to Computational Reasoning (IT 123 - 801)
Mofak Hassan
Introduction to Computational Reasoning (IT 123 - 801)
Mofak Hassan
Introductory Computing for the Web (IT 130 - 520)
Yosef Mendelsohn
Introduction to Applied Programming (IT 211 - 510)
Yosef Mendelsohn
Introduction to Applied Programming (IT 211 - 540)
Yosef Mendelsohn
Introduction to Applied Programming (IT 211 - 540)
Yosef Mendelsohn
Data Analysis (IT 223 - 501)
Marco Chou
Data Analysis (IT 223 - 520)
Yosef Mendelsohn
Ethics in Computer Games and Cinema (IT 228 - 521)
Siobhan O'Donoghue
Ethics in Computer Games and Cinema (IT 228 - 520)
Siobhan O'Donoghue
Web Development I (IT 231 - 810)
Kumail Razvi
Web Development I (IT 231 - 801)
Kumail Razvi
Interactive Web Scripting (IT 238 - 530)
Steve Jost
Interactive Web Scripting (IT 238 - 510)
Steve Jost
Applied Networks and Security (IT 263 - 501)
Sharief Oteafy
Applied Networks and Security (IT 263 - 801)
Joseph Cannici
Applied Networks and Security (IT 263 - 810)
Joseph Cannici
Applied Networks and Security (IT 263 - 510)
Sharief Oteafy
Applied Networks and Security (IT 263 - 502)
Nazli Siasi
Applied Networks and Security (IT 263 - 511)
Nazli Siasi
Team Project Development with Agile (IT 280 - 830)
Michael Chase
Advanced Application Development (IT 313 - 510)
Steve Jost
Advanced Application Development (IT 313 - 530)
Steve Jost
Content Management Systems (IT 320 - 820)
Michael Chase
Topics in Information Technology (IT 390 - 510)
Marco Chou
Software Projects for Industry Clients (IT 394 - 830)
Michael Chase
Information Technology Capstone (IT 395 - 801)
Shivangi Kakkar
Information Technology Capstone (IT 395 - 830)
Shivangi Kakkar
Network Technologies
Computers in Telecommunications Systems (NET 311 - 801)
Ahmad Abusini
Computers in Telecommunications Systems (NET 311 - 810)
Ahmad Abusini
Networking for the Internet of Things (NET 351 - 801)
Sharief Oteafy
Introduction to Local Area Networks (NET 363 - 801)
Dale Buchholz
Introduction to Local Area Networks (NET 363 - 810)
Dale Buchholz
Fundamentals of Network Security (NET 377 - 501)
Dale Buchholz
Fundamentals of Network Security (NET 377 - 510)
Dale Buchholz
Telecommunication and Network Security Practicum (NET 379 - 830)
Jean-Philippe Labruyere
Network Fundamentals (NET 405 - 801)
Joseph Cannici
Network Fundamentals (NET 405 - 810)
Joseph Cannici
Network Fundamentals (NET 405 - 501)
Nazli Siasi
Network Fundamentals (NET 405 - 510)
Nazli Siasi
Introduction to Computer and Network Systems (NET 411 - 801)
Ahmad Abusini
Introduction to Computer and Network Systems (NET 411 - 810)
Ahmad Abusini
Introduction to Lan Technologies (NET 413 - 801)
Dale Buchholz
Introduction to Lan Technologies (NET 413 - 810)
Dale Buchholz
Networking for the Internet of Things (NET 451 - 801)
Sharief Oteafy
Network Security (NET 477 - 801)
Ahmad Abusini
Network Security (NET 477 - 810)
Ahmad Abusini
Network Security II (NET 577 - 810)
Matthew Dudlo
Network Security II (NET 577 - 801)
Matthew Dudlo
Film and Television Post-Production
Editing I (POST 110 - 507)
James Boratyn
Editing I (POST 110 - 501)
Savvas Paritsis
Editing I (POST 110 - 502)
Brian Mellen
Audio for Podcasts and Other Media (POST 120 - 521)
Derek Katzer
Audio for Podcasts and Other Media (POST 120 - 520)
Derek Katzer
Sound Design I (POST 124 - 501)
Derek Katzer
Sound Design I (POST 124 - 502)
Giancarlo Pasquesi
Editing II (POST 200 - 501)
Savvas Paritsis
Sound Design II (POST 224 - 501)
Jeffrey Kliment
Avid Media Composer Editing Workshop (POST 304 - 520)
Michael Flores
Davinci Resolve Editing Workshop (POST 305 - 520)
Michael Flores
Editing for Television (POST 315 - 501)
Michael Flores
Sound Mixing I (POST 324 - 501)
Jeffrey Kliment
Sound Design and Scoring Studio (POST 329 - 801)
Jeffrey Kliment
Color Correction (POST 340 - 501)
Robert Sliga
Advanced Color Correction (POST 344 - 501)
Robert Sliga
Avid Media Composer Editing Workshop (POST 404 - 520)
Michael Flores
Davinci Resolve Editing Workshop (POST 405 - 520)
Michael Flores
Sound Mixing I (POST 424 - 501)
Jeffrey Kliment
Sound Design and Scoring Studio (POST 429 - 801)
Jeffrey Kliment
Color Correction (POST 440 - 501)
Robert Sliga
Advanced Color Correction (POST 444 - 501)
Robert Sliga
Film and TV Screenwriting
Introduction to Screenwriting (SCWR 100 - 202)
Josh Wolff
Introduction to Screenwriting (SCWR 100 - 801)
Brian Mellen
Introduction to Screenwriting (SCWR 100 - 810)
Brian Mellen
Screenwriting for Majors (SCWR 101 - 201)
Katherine O'Brien
Screenwriting for Majors (SCWR 101 - 202)
Katherine O'Brien
Screenwriting for Majors (SCWR 101 - 502)
Lisa Buscani
Screenwriting for Majors (SCWR 101 - 503)
Lisa Buscani
Inclusive Representation in Film and Tv (SCWR 110 - 502)
Iris Shim
Classic Hollywood Film Structure (SCWR 121 - 501)
Lisa Buscani
Classic Hollywood Film Structure (SCWR 121 - 510)
Lisa Buscani
Writing on Assignment (SCWR 305 - 802)
Scott Myers
Scene Writing (SCWR 306 - 801)
Scott Myers
Pitching Seminar (SCWR 341 - 501)
Iris Shim
Hollywood History (SCWR 345 - 860)
Cory Carroll
Filmmakers Seminar (SCWR 346 - 860)
Kurt Lustgarten
Comedy, Joke, and Sketch Writing (SCWR 379 - 801)
Jay Steigmann
Writing the Feature I (SCWR 401 - 801)
Iris Shim
Advanced Writing on Assignment (SCWR 405 - 802)
Scott Myers
The Art of Scene Writing (SCWR 406 - 801)
Scott Myers
Industry and Pitching Seminar (SCWR 441 - 501)
Iris Shim
Studio Development (SCWR 442 - 860)
Cory Carroll
Filmmakers Seminar (SCWR 446 - 860)
Kurt Lustgarten
Comedy, Joke, and Sketch Writing (SCWR 479 - 801)
Jay Steigmann
Writing for Film Thesis II (SCWR 502 - 802)
Brad Riddell
Writing for TV Thesis II (SCWR 552 - 802)
Brad Riddell
Software Engineering
Continuous Delivery and Devops (SE 441 - 801)
Steven Engelhardt
Continuous Delivery and Devops (SE 441 - 810)
Steven Engelhardt
User Experience Design
Design Principles for User Experience Design (UXD 101 - 530)
Nathan Koch
Design Principles for User Experience Design (UXD 101 - 510)
Nathan Koch
Introduction to User Experience Design (UXD 210 - 502)
Alex Modie
Prototyping Methods I (UXD 220 - 501)
Nathan Koch
User Experience Design Capstone I (UXD 394 - 501)
Jes Klass
Visual Effects
Introduction to Visual Effects (VFX 200 - 502)
Brian Mellen