CDM Academic Policies
Academic policies protect the integrity of academic curricula and provide the checks and balances necessary to maintain the standards set forth by the University. All students are expected to be familiar with University policies that are documented in the University catalog and student handbooks, as well as college-level policies outlined on the college website. Knowing these policies and referencing them on a regular basis allow students, faculty, staff, and administrators the ability to operate under the same set of expectations as all parties work together to achieve the best possible student experience.
Exceptions to academic policy are rare. In cases where severe extenuating circumstances prevent adherence to a policy, students should first consult with an advisor in the CDM Academic Success Center to determine an appropriate course of action. If it is determined that a policy appeal should be submitted, the student must
submit the appeal online via MyCDM.
Declare/Change Major or Minor
CDM students must
submit a request to change their program and/or concentration in MyCDM. Undergraduate students must use the Declarations and Inter-College Transfer Tool in
Campus Connect (Advising, Progress & Graduation > Change College, Major or Minor ) to official change their college, major, minor and/or concentration.
Information on the policy, process and requirements to successfully complete your degree and graduate.
Learn more about managing your class schedule each term in accordance with enrollment, withdrawal and waitlist policies.
Details on the grading policy, including Incomplete Grades, Course Repeats, and Grade Challenges.
Information on transferring credit from a community college or four-year university, as well as inter-college transfers within DePaul.
Instructions on the steps necessary to apply to enroll in an independent study course.
Information on DePaul's academic probation policy.
Links to common forms current students might need over the course of your academic career.