Your computer skills are looking good! If you would like to ensure your skills are up to date, you can find free online tutorial classes at If you ever need a hand with technical help once you are enrolled in an online class, contact the TSC at (312) 362-8765 or The TSC is available during the following hours (excluding university holidays): Monday – Thursday: 8:00 a.m. to 8:00 p.m. Friday: 8:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m and Saturday 8:00 am - 4:00 pm.
Your computer skills will need some help to ensure that you will be successful in an online class. Before your course begins, consider taking a supplemental training course from the DePaul University in the areas where your skills need some help. You can also find free online tutorial classes at
Great! You are comfortable as a digital learner. Your responses indicate you can use your computer to access various types of digital media. These skills will serve you well in your online classes
Your responses indicate that you are not quite comfortable yet as a digital learner. That does not mean you won't succeed in an online class, but you may have to work to push your boundaries a little. Discuss your concerns with your Academic Advisor. They can tell you more about the skills required success as an online learner.
Looks like online classes are a good match for you. Online classes will meet a true need for you, and you also have a suitable environment for focusing on your studies.
You need to take some time to consider if online classes are a good match for you. You may not have a great need to take a class online, but you can still decide that online is the best option after you explore on-campus options. Before you enroll, make sure you will have a suitable environment for focusing on your studies.
You are a self-directed learner! Your study skills and good time management will help you succeed in a online class. Because online classes have the same rigor as face-to-face classes, your focus and discipline will help you stay on track without weekly classroom time.
Looks like you need to give your study skills a boost before you enroll in a online class. Don't forget that online classes have the same rigor as face-to-face classes, but you will need a lot more discipline to stay on track without weekly classroom time. Because you are not meeting in the familiar environment a classroom, it's possible to feel a sense of isolation in an online class. Know that your instructor is there to support you--and they are only a phone call or email away if you have any concerns with your course materials!