

CDM Tutoring Center

Services available online only.


    Regular Hours
  • Monday through Thursday: 11:00am to 9:00pm (online only)
  • Friday through Sunday: 11:00am to 4:00pm (online only)

The CDM Tutoring Center provides services to support the academic success of undergraduate students and graduate students in introductory courses of their program in CDM. Free tutoring services are available during the fall, winter and spring quarters for undergraduate students and graduate students through foundation courses of their program. Sessions are one hour in length and may be individual or in a small group session if there are other students from the same class.

Students are expected to:

  • Go to class, listen attentively, take notes and ask questions to clarify misunderstandings.
  • Review notes, practice problems and read textbooks.
  • Attempt problems on your own. If help is needed, contact the Tutoring Center. An appointment with a specific tutor can be scheduled through MyCDM.

Tutoring sessions are available online. Before scheduling an online appointment with a tutor, please make sure you have everything you need to make the technology work. This includes a working webcam, microphone, speakers or headset, and an up-to-date web browser. A zoom link is generated and emailed when you book an online appointment with a tutor. Please contact Miles Jackson with any questions or concerns about tutoring appointments.

Find a Tutor

Find a Tutor

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Additional Resources

Tutor Spotlight

Tutor Spotlight

Full-Time FallYogesh Lakhani


I am Yogesh. I am pursuing my Master’s degree in Computer Science with a concentration in Software Engineering. I hold a Bachelor of Science in Computer Science and an Associate’s degree in software engineering. I have developed a strong proficiency in programming languages such as JavaScript, Java, and MySQL, and am skilled in tools and frameworks like Spring Boot, Node.js, React.js, Docker, and AWS. I have 3.5 years of experience as a Software Engineer. Additionally, I am currently diving deep into the realm of AI, continuously expanding my knowledge and skills in this cutting-edge field. In my spare time, I enjoy working on innovative projects. When not engaged in tech, I enjoy gaming, reading, and exploring different food scapes in the city.

Full-Time WinterEbad Ur Rahman Mohammed

man outside

See you in 2025
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